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An instructor guides a technician through computer readings during a Polysomnography (sleep study) clinical lab session for the Clinical Neurophysiology Technology (CNT) program.

Student experiences

Classroom learning

During the first nine months of the program, you’ll complete the majority of the didactic curriculum. This curriculum is introduced using online learning modules and then applied during a hands-on laboratory session which takes place in the classroom on campus. During the hands-on, instructor-led sessions, you will demonstrate your knowledge of the neurodiagnostic procedures you are learning.

Laboratory sessions

What you learn in the classroom is directly applied during the lab practice sessions. Hands-on practice sessions are in-person, and students apply the online learning material during instructor-facilitated sessions.

Clinical rotations

During the final 12 months of the program, you'll gain hands-on clinical experience in Mayo Clinic's neurodiagnostic labs and the Center for Sleep Medicine.

Clinical rotations are scheduled in several laboratories at Mayo Clinic. No off-site rotations are required as part of the program curriculum.

Hours and part-time employment

For the majority of the classroom instruction and clinical rotations, your learning schedule includes eight-hour days, five days a week. The polysomnography rotation at the Center for Sleep Medicine and the EEG rotation at the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit require some evening and night hours.

Part-time employment outside of the Clinical Neurophysiology Technology Program is allowed. However, your work schedule should be arranged so that it does not interfere with assigned program responsibilities and clinical rotation hours. If employed at the Center for Sleep Medicine or the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, you cannot be paid if working during clinical rotation hours.


The Clinical Neurophysiology Technology Program includes clinical rotations in EEG, EMG, (nerve conduction studies, evoked potentials), autonomic laboratories, and the Center for Sleep Medicine. Each area has state-of-the-art electronic digital instrumentation for patient test recordings. During rotations in the EEG and EMG laboratories, you are exposed to the technical aspects of surgical monitoring in the operating room.

Mayo Clinic's Epilepsy Monitoring Unit provides computerized monitoring 24 hours a day for up to 24 patients.

Course sequence

Didactic coursework (months 1-9)

Fall semester: Year 1, August to December

There are 13 total credits in the fall semester.

Course number Course name Credits
CNT 1102 CNT Techniques EEG 2
CNT 1103 CNT Techniques NCS 2
CNT 1109 Professional Development I 1
CNT 2210 Neurophysiology Lecture Series Part I 1
CNT 1101 Orientation to CNT 3
CNT 1104 CNT Techniques EP 1
CNT 1110 CNT Instrumentation 2
CNT 1105 CNT Techniques Autonomic 1
Total 13 credits

Spring semester: Year 1, January to May

There are 13 total credits in the spring semester.

Course number Course name Credits
CNT 1106 CNT Techniques PSG 2
CNT 1112 Applied Concepts I EEG 3
CNT 1113 Applied Concepts II NCS 3
CNT 1114 Orientation to the Clinical Laboratory/Professional Dev II 2
CNT 2211 Neurophysiology Lecture Series Part II 3
Total 13 credits

Clinical rotations (months 10-21)

Clinical rotations take place at Mayo Clinic.

Course number Course name Credits
CNT 2220 Clinical Practice EEG I 3
CNT 2221 Clinical Practice EEG II 3
CNT 2222 Clinical Practice EEG III 3
CNT 2230 Clinical Practice NCS I 3
CNT 2231 Clinical Practice NCS II 3
CNT 2240 Clinical Practice EP/NCS 3
CNT 2250 Clinical Practice Autonomic 3
CNT 2260 Clinical Practice PSG I 3
CNT 2261 Clinical Practice PSG II 3
CNT 2270 Clinical Practice Elective 3
Total 30 credits

Total semester credits for the program: 56

Please note:

  • Clinical hours: 64 hours = 1 semester credit.
  • Courses and sequencing are subject to change.

Grading and evaluation

Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences uses student evaluative tools that include:

  • Online quizzes and examinations
  • Online self-assessment exercises
  • Lab and clinical activities
  • Competency assessment and demonstration of skills
  • Faculty reviews

Mayo's system of evaluation provides students and faculty with a comprehensive look at individual performance. This allows faculty and administrative staff to direct students who are experiencing academic difficulty to the appropriate support resources, including tutoring programs and counseling opportunities.

A competency-based evaluation system is used to assess clinical performance.

Program competencies

Students in the Clinical Neurophysiology Technology Program should successfully meet the following competencies:

Professional knowledge

  • Know the practical applications of neurodiagnostic testing and know the principles underlying clinical neurophysiology technology, including structure and function of the nervous system, instrumentation, and neurological disorders diagnosed by neurophysiologic techniques
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the modalities of clinical neurophysiology, including electroencephalography, nerve conduction studies, evoked potentials, autonomic testing and polysomnography at a level that will meet requirements for national registry examinations
  • Acquire skills of self-directed learning so as to update knowledge of clinical neurophysiology after completing formal studies

Professional skills

  • Acquire practical skills in electroencephalography, nerve conduction studies, evoked potentials, autonomic testing and polysomnography required to work as a competent clinical neurophysiology technologist and to succeed in national registry examinations
  • Apply these skills to compassionate, safe and appropriate patient care
  • Understand the use of quality improvement techniques to enhance the accuracy and appropriateness of clinical neurophysiology testing
  • Understand the role of a clinical neurophysiology technologist as part of a clinical team providing comprehensive care for patients

Professional attitudes, behaviors and cultural competencies

  • Commit to practice according to the ethical principles and legal requirements of the profession of clinical neurophysiology technology and the values of Mayo Clinic
  • Demonstrate cultural competency and respect for diversity in all professional interactions
  • Exhibit appropriate and professional skills of interpersonal communication with all patients and other members of the health care team
  • Understand the responsibilities of all health care workers to contribute to enhancing the health and welfare of society

Graduation and certification

After successfully completing the program, you will receive a certificate of completion from Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences. Students seeking a degree from Rochester Community and Technical College also receive a degree upon program completion.

Graduates are eligible to take professional certification examinations given by:

Mayo Clinic's Department of Neurology and the Center for Sleep Medicine require all technologists to pass at least one of the certifying examinations within two years of being hired.