December 12, 2019
One way team members at Mayo Clinic shine is through the ways they help our local communities during their free time.
Whether it’s departments coming together to support the United Way, or individuals volunteering their time, donating blood, or contributing to local organizations monetarily, students and staff at Mayo Clinic love to give back. Here are just a few of the local charities that we love:
Jacksonville, Florida
As many as 6,000 children (and their parents) attend the Children’s Christmas Party of Jacksonville each year where hundreds of volunteers hand out new toys to the children. This annual charity accepts monetary donations year round, and also needs help of volunteers to give their time leading up to and during the event each year.
The Family Promise of Jacksonville provides temporary shelter and meals for families experiencing homelessness in the Jacksonville area. Help this local charity by donating money, food, supplies, or your time.
Phoenix, Arizona
Looking for a way to give back while getting outdoors? Why not Adopt-A-Park through the Phoenix Parks Foundation? You can adopt an entire park or specific parts of the park such as the trails, flower beds, sports fields, playgrounds, picnic areas, waterways, or others.
Arizonans for Children helps children in foster care with building social and life skills and developing a healthy self-esteem through a 1-to-1 mentoring program. Mentors build a relationship with a foster child by committing to meet with them for two hours a week for a minimum of one year.
Rochester, Minnesota
Do you have an interest in the arts? Consider volunteering at the Rochester Civic Theatre Company! They’re always looking for people to volunteer their time and skills as an actor, usher, or stage crew member.
Channel One Regional Food Bank provides food assistance to low-income individuals and families in not only Rochester, Minnesota, but a 14-county service area in southeast Minnesota and western Wisconsin. You can provide monetary assistance, food donations, or volunteer your time to help support this local charity!
And last, but not least ... don't forget! Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit organization, as well. We love our volunteers that serve our patients and visitors every day, and are so grateful for the generous donations that support our innovative research to continue to meet the needs of our patients now and in the future.