Frequently Asked Questions
RISE for Youth is a first-of-its-kind collaboration between Mayo Clinic and the Rochester branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). The program is designed to help Black and underrepresented students transform themselves from youth with potential to competitive and empowered talent entering the workforce.
Program FAQs
What is the RISE framework?
The RISE for Youth Program curriculum was developed using the evidence-based RISE framework developed by Anjali Bhagra, M.D. and colleagues at Mayo in collaboration with colleagues in the Section of Institutional Leadership Assessment and Development. Strategies and tactics encompassed sustainable approaches to enhance career development, leadership skills, and engagement and integration of joy into work. The program focused on four constructs:
- Reflect on strengths and challenges to cultivate leadership knowledge, skills, and attributes.
- Inspire confidence and self-awareness through development of a growth mindset.
- Strengthen academic skills through exploration of health care and health.
- Empower others through coaching and mentorship.
This framework was utilized as the basis of the RISE for Youth Program curriculum.
What is the NAACP and how are they involved in this program?
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is the nation’s oldest and largest civil rights organization with more than 2,200 local chapters across the country. The NAACP believes that every child deserves an opportunity to reach their full potential. To bridge these gaps and ensure that all children get a real chance at a fulfilling education and meaningful employment, society needs to address tangible barriers to learning and achievement, including systemic racism, racial disparities in education and employment, and poverty.
The NAACP’s contributions to the RISE for Youth Program include serving as a "cultural broker" to ensure the development and strengthening of relationships with key stakeholders and influencers to promote and help identify program participants. The NAACP will utilize its existing partnerships and collaborations to aid in promoting and marketing the program.
Who is eligible for this program?
Rising high school juniors and seniors as well as undergraduate students between the ages of 16 and 21. Age requirements must be met by the program start date. The program will be open to students from groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in medicine and biomedical science, including Black/African American, African Immigrant, Hispanic, Native American/American Indian, and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students. Additionally, students who have demonstrated an interest in supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion in education, health care, or another related area are eligible to participate. Additional eligibility and criteria can be found on the RISE for Youth application page.
What will the program curriculum focus on?
The curriculum is designed for the future workforce. For more information, visit the Curriculum page.
What happens after a student graduates from the program?
This program aims to empower/enable students to continue their professional growth. Mentors will continue to be available to help guide students forward after they complete the program.
I was not accepted into the program. Are there additional opportunities I can take advantage of?
Mayo Clinic offers many programs and services to support students from diverse backgrounds. See additional offerings from the Office for Education Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Does this program offer job shadowing?
Opportunities for job shadowing may be available during the four-week program.
What/where will I eat during the program?
Catering is provided during the four-week program at no charge.
What supplies will I need for the program?
The RISE for Youth Program will provide all necessary supplies, including a loaned laptop computer if needed and other program-related materials.
Are there attendance requirements?
Participants are expected to attend all sessions. Any foreseen absences must be discussed with the program director prior to acceptance into the program.
Where is the program located?
RISE for Youth will meet on the Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester. Specific locations will be communicated after acceptance to the program.
How can my child apply to the program?
Visit the RISE for Youth Application webpage for more information on how to apply.
When does the RISE for Youth Program start?
Program dates for the 2024 cohort are:
- June 3 - June 27, 2024
Does the program offer transportation assistance?
Help is available for those who may need transportation assistance. If candidates are accepted into the program, a request can be made during the onboarding process.
Is there a fee for the program?
The program is offered free of charge.
Will youth be paid for attending the program?
RISE for Youth participants receives a $960 stipend at the successful completion of the program.
Is this program virtual or in-person?
Participants will meet in person on the Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester. Some mentorship meetings may be virtual.
How is this program different than other Mayo Clinic programs for students?
The partnership between Mayo Clinic and the NAACP is what sets this program apart. The community connections of the NAACP will help ensure the recruitment of diverse students.
I would like to support the RISE for Youth Program, how can I get involved?
See our Get Involved page for more information on how to support the RISE for Youth Program.
How does the RISE for Youth Program benefit the community?
This program helps develop the skills that youth with potential need to become the high-quality talent for employers throughout the community.
How does RISE for Youth benefit students?
This program allows students to explore their interests and career options; develop workplace, social, and leadership skills; and build their résumé — all while receiving a financial stipend.
Where can additional questions be directed?
Questions are welcome at
Application FAQs
Where can I find the application?
The student application form can be found on the RISE for Youth Website.
When is the application deadline?
All required application materials must be submitted by March 17, 2024.
Can I save my application and work on it over a long period of time?
Yes. The application process will allow the candidate to save the application and work over an extended period of time. Candidates may take as long as they need to complete the application in its entirety. Visit the RISE for Youth website for more information regarding the application process.
What documents need to be submitted with the application?
Items such as recommendation letters, GPA documentation are required for submission. See the RISE for Youth Application webpage for more information.
My school doesn’t provide transcripts. Can I use a grade report?
Yes, current grade reports are acceptable.
How do I submit my application?
Visit the RISE for Youth Application webpage for more information on the application process.
What if I realize I’ve made a mistake on my application and I’ve already turned it in?
Email us at before the application deadline of March 17. Include your full name as well as the details of the application error in your email.
Does filling out the application guarantee acceptance into the program?
RISE for Youth is a competitive program. Not all applicants will receive offers to become part of the program.
How are program participants selected?
Students will be selected by a committee made up of Mayo Clinic staff and members of community organizations, including representatives from the NAACP, Barbershop Talk, the Diversity Council, the Somali community, educators, and other community partners.
After I submit the applications, when will I hear back?
Accepted applicants will be notified early April.
Mentor FAQs
Why should I mentor? What benefits does mentoring provide me?
There are many reasons to become a mentor. Mentorship serves as an opportunity to look outside your usual network and potentially connect with someone very different from you. Mentorship also lets you think about and share your experiences. While assessing your positive and negative experiences, you may discover lessons that benefit both the mentee and yourself. The RISE for Youth Program challenges you to make this commitment. Visit our Become a Mentor page for more information.
How do I become a mentor for the RISE for Youth Program?
For more information on how to become a mentor for the RISE for Youth Program, see the Become a Mentor page.
What is the time commitment for mentors?
Mentors are asked to commit to a one-year mentor relationship. Mentors are expected to meet with their respective mentees at least quarterly during the one-year period.
Is a background check required for mentors and volunteers?
Yes. For the safety of our participants, we provide a background check for our mentors, volunteers, and students as a part of our onboarding process. Conviction doesn’t necessarily bar you from participating in the program.
Are there specific topics or materials that mentors should cover with their student?
The program will provide both the mentor and mentee with appropriate resources to meet the objectives of the mentor program. Resources and tools for mentors will be given after the mentor/mentee relationship has been approved and established.
How do I manage confidential information such as patient information or business confidential information while hosting a student?
All students are required to sign the Mayo Clinic standard confidentiality agreement. Students also partake in Mayo Clinic compliance training during the onboarding process.
For non-Mayo Clinic mentors, follow your company’s policies on the sharing of business confidential information.
I have both a high school student and an undergraduate student mentee assigned to me for mentoring. Do I need to manage them differently?
RISE for Youth high school students are just beginning their career exploration and may require more general mentoring. Students who are out of high school and likely enrolled in college may have more specific career goals and mentoring needs.