Jackie E. Jacobi, M.D.
Assistant Professor of Neurology
The Department of Neurology at Mayo Clinic in Arizona is a highly integrated, collaborative department of neurologists who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment and research of conditions and diseases affecting the nervous system. Close collaboration with other Mayo Clinic specialists offers patients comprehensive care.
The department has a number of specialty clinics staffed by professionals dedicated to improving the quality of life for those affected by neurologic diseases. Neurologists are also engaged in research projects involving their areas of interest, including new and investigational drugs.
Specific expertise of members of the staff and the reputation of the Mayo Clinic leads to a high volume practice with a high proportion of patients with complex and challenging medical problems. The experience of the staff coupled with the high-quality, integrated and efficient practices of all clinical and laboratory specialties, makes Mayo Clinic one of the finest clinical practices of medicine in the world.
The staff has collectively published hundreds of manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and contributed towards many well-known books.
Mayo Clinic has a very sophisticated and well-developed electronic medical record system which is integrated throughout all Mayo campuses and facilities, and covers both inpatient and outpatient medical interactions. It allows for rapid retrieval of all clinical, laboratory, and imaging studies of patients that streamlines the work process enabling you to treat more patients. A clinic intranet site provides ready access to extensive online resources for neurological education.
The program director will provide comprehensive educational guidance and personal support during your fellowship.
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