Conferences and Learning Opportunities
At Mayo Clinic NPM Fellowship, fellows take an active part in their learning throughout their entire training tenure. Fellows also are active members of the Division of Neonatal Medicine, participating in multiple committees and workgroups to deepen skills in practice administration, quality improvement, and teamwork.
Dedicated fellow conferences
Our core learning experiences occur on Thursday afternoons and rotate systematically throughout fellowship. All fellows have protected learning time to attend these sessions in person and lunch is provided. Active learning and retention are prioritized through a series of conferences, workshops, and longitudinal teaching and learning experiences such as:
Core neonatal medicine curriculum
Our flipped-classroom approach to covering all critical content domains specified by the American Board of Pediatrics for initial Neonatal Perinatal Medicine certification. Independent pre-reading of core neonatology textbook chapters is foundational to in-person, group-learning activities led by division and departmental core faculty.
Longitudinal procedural mastery curriculum
Our quarterly mastery learning curriculum for all core procedures in neonatology. See our Mastery Learning center here. Link the word “here” to matterport: Mayo Clinic Center for Procedural Skills Mastery - Mayo Clinic Hospital – Rochester, Saint Marys Campus
Longitudinal advanced communication curriculum
Our quarterly role-play based curriculum for primary palliative care skills led by Pediatric Palliative faculty.
Longitudinal leadership curriculum
Our semi-annual leadership training curriculum with senior leaders in the Division of Neonatal Perinatal Medicine.
Longitudinal research series
Our annual workshop led by the Neonatal Medicine Vice Chair for Research focused on foundational research skills related to study design, IRB procedures, and NIH bio sketch composition.
Neonatal board review workshops
Our quarterly gamified approach to board examination preparation covering and expanding upon the previous quarter’s core curriculum.
Landmark series in neonatology
Our fellow-led examining critical trials defining the field. Fellows utilize the CONSORT statement for analysis and select one evidence-based medicine principle exemplified in the trial to expand upon as they present selected landmark trials.
Article of the month series
Our fellow-led series examining current major clinical trials in neonatal medicine. Fellows utilize the CONSORT statement for analysis and select one evidence-based medicine principle exemplified in the trial to expand upon as they present selected landmark trials.
Equity in neonatology curriculum
Our semi-annual curriculum examining contributors to, barriers, and solutions for equity in the NICU. Fellows have opportunities to explore individual and systemic contributors to health disparities, as well as identify opportunities in the practice for improvement.
NeoSurgery conference
Our joint conference with Maternal Fetal Medicine and Pediatric Surgery in which NPM fellows lead 2-3 interactive presentations to a multidisciplinary audience over the course of fellowship.
Fellow's choice series
Our approach to incorporating fellow-selected topics and speakers of interest, relating to any clinical or academic neonatology topic of their collective choice.
Senior fellow's research seminar
Our third-year fellow-led presentation of the summation of his or her scholarly work accomplished during fellowship to the Division of Neonatal Medicine.
Involvement in the Division of Neonatal Medicine
Fellows are active members of our Division of Neonatal Medicine, participating in multiple committees and workgroups to deepen skills in practice administration, quality improvement, and teamwork.
Morbidity & Mortality conference
Our quarterly fellow-led review of unit morbidity and mortality cases to the Division of Neonatal Medicine in which fellows present infant cases, identify high-yield learning points, identify best practices and areas for practice improvement, and lead the group in collaborative discussions.
Neonatal Practice Committee
Our monthly committee meets to review, discuss, and approve practice-related decisions in the NICU. Fellows are active members in this committee, learning important administrative and teamwork skills, throughout their training time.
Neonatal Quality and Safety Committee
Our monthly committee meets to review quality improvement efforts and safety events in our NICU. Fellows lead one root-cause analysis (RCA) and/or multidisciplinary process analysis (MPA) to learn the process for systematic investigation of patient safety events and process improvement during fellowship. Fellows also lead one multidisciplinary Quality Improvement effort during their training.
NICU Mayomics conference
Our semi-annual, multidisciplinary review of cases identified through our ultra-rapid whole genome sequencing program, often held in conjunction with experts in the Center for Individualized Medicine.
Fetal board conference
Our joint conference with Maternal Fetal Medicine and multiple Pediatric subspecialists aimed at improving understanding of antenatal clinical decision making in high-risk pregnancies.
Enterprise-wide learning opportunities
Mayo Clinic Quality Academy
All fellows learn foundational QI skills from a Mayo Clinic-wide initiative, the Mayo Quality Academy, which aims to deliver an effective and comprehensive program of quality improvement education to all Mayo Clinic employees and learners. All NPM fellows become Silver Certified during their training time.
Mayo International Health Program (MIHP)
The MIHP helps interested learners pursue elective rotations to learn and assist in providing medical care to underserved international populations in well planned and mentored settings. MIHP provides up to $3000 in financial support to help defray travel and basic living expenses for those selected to participate.
Clinical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Microcredential Program
Selected fellows can learn entrepreneurial skills to harness the commercial potential of their discoveries through this microcredential program.
Resident Leadership Academy
Selected fellows can engage with institutional and national leaders in a longitudinal one-year enterprise-wide program to gain invaluable skills and grow their professional network.
First year fellow bootcamp
We want each incoming fellow to be well prepared to succeed in our fellowship. As such, each year we begin the first week of our fellowship with a one-week intensive orientation to the expectations, goals, and objectives of our fellowship, including those related to clinical, scholarly, and individual learning efforts. Fellows will be introduced to several high yield clinical topics (such as mechanical ventilation, delivery room management strategies, and ICU emergencies) and practice related skills during simulated sessions (including both introductions to our advanced communication and procedural curricula).