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Mayo Clinic Medical Physics Certificate Program

The Mayo Clinic Medical Physics Certificate Program is designed to provide students who already have a Ph.D. in physics, engineering, or a related field in the physical sciences with the supplemental necessary didactic training for a clinical residency.

The program is only available to Mayo Clinic medical physics residents and fellows, and Mayo Clinic postdoctoral research fellows. Students who do not have a degree in physics are required to have at least three upper-level undergraduate physics courses that would be required for a physics major in a typical U.S. undergraduate physics program.

The program requires completion of the following six courses in order to earn the certificate:

  • BME 5160 - Introduction to Radiation Physics
  • BME 5800 – The Essential Physics of Medical Imaging
  • BME 6100 – Medical Health Physics
  • BME 6151 – The Physics of Radiation Therapy
  • APC 5150 – Radiobiology
  • RTT 3561 – Cross-Sectional Anatomy

Eligible candidates interested in the certificate program should email a CV and graduate and undergraduate transcripts to Elaine Eckheart regarding enrollment prior to taking any of these courses.

Enrollment in the program requires supervisor approval and an interview with either the program director, Nicholas Remmes, Ph.D., or the associate program director, Shuai Leng, Ph.D.

The program operates under the joint supervision of the Clinical Medical Physics Residency in Radiation Oncology and the Clinical Medical Physics Residency in Diagnostic Imaging.

Program statistics

Students who as of June 30, 2023 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Graduates of that year who have been accepted into a residency program 2      
Certificate program graduates* 2   1 1 2*
Total certificate program enrollment 6 7 5 5 6

*Formal certificate program did not start until October 2019.