Conferences and Programs
Didactic training
The didactic portion of Mayo Clinic's Radiation Oncology Residency includes:
- Morning Case Conference
- Faculty-led disease site case conference
- Resident-led new patient case conference
- Didactic Lecture series
- Presentations by Radiation Oncology residents and faculty as well as faculty from other specialties such as surgery, medical oncology, and radiology
- Chart Rounds
- Morbidity & Mortality conferences
- Journal Club
- Radiation Oncology departmental journal club
- Cancer Center journal club with medical oncology fellows and others
- Cancer Center Grand Rounds
- Science of healthcare delivery
- Radiobiology course, both staff-led and biennial visiting professor
- Radiation Physics course
A comprehensive core curriculum course covering all aspects of oncology care is taught weekly by staff from different specialties within Mayo Clinic including radiation and medical oncology, surgical specialties, neurology, statistics, pathology, and radiology.
Additionally, you will participate in many combined conferences and tumor boards. Residents are required to attend relevant tumor boards while on service and frequently present cases at tumor boards.
Visiting professors
Many prominent professors visit Mayo Clinic each year. They present their work during departmental conferences and Cancer Center presentations.
You will have the opportunity to meet with these individuals in intimate sessions to discuss topics in the visiting professor's area of expertise. You are encouraged to take full advantage of these opportunities.