Page Content

Enrichment Experience Content Type

ID: 975
Name: Enrichment Experience
Description: Adds Academic Enrichment courses

Academic Enrichment Experience - This adds up a Course and gets listed on the Academic Experience Opportunity listing page.

How to use:

Add content in the following section - Sites » » Home » Academic Enrichment Opportunities » Activities

For each content item:

    * If Internal Resource checkbox is marked checked, a tooltip with scholar icon is displayed to it's respective Enrichment Opportunity listing.

     Icon stating courses for enrolled students

    * Choose appropriate options from the multi-select lists or leave blank.

Saving and publishing the section will add the newly added course on the Academic Enrichment Opportunity Listing Page.

Content Element Details

NameEnter the name of enrichment experience200 CharactersPlain Texttrue
DescriptionEnter the description of enrichment experience500 CharactersPlain Texttrue
URLEnter the URL value500 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Internal Resource?Select the checkbox to mark the content as internal resource80 CharactersCheckboxfalse
LocationSelect the values from the list80 CharactersMulti Selectfalse
DurationSelect the values from the list80 CharactersMulti Selectfalse
FormatSelect the values from the list80 CharactersMulti Selectfalse
CategorySelect the values from the list80 CharactersMulti Selectfalse
TypeSelect the values from the list80 CharactersMulti Selectfalse