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Department and Faculty

Mayo Clinic's campus in Jacksonville, Florida, is one of the leading medical centers for bone marrow transplantation. Mayo Clinic offers many innovative uses of bone marrow transplant for special situations.

In 2020, Mayo Clinic in Florida performed 184 blood and bone marrow transplants for adults and children and 30 CAR-T cell therapy procedures. Of these, 83 were allogeneic and 101 were autologous. Mayo Clinic has performed more than 1,800 bone marrow transplant procedures at its Jacksonville campus since it began offering this treatment in 1992. It has also performed more than 75 CAR-T cell therapy procedures since June 2018.


Mayo Clinic's program emphasizes performing blood and bone marrow transplants on an outpatient basis. All adult transplants are performed in Mayo's dedicated unit at Mayo Clinic Hospital. All transplant rooms are equipped with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to reduce the risk of infection.


In addition to caring for patients in clinical practice, Mayo Clinic's faculty is committed to teaching and facilitating the growth of medical knowledge. Many of our faculty members have published and lectured extensively and are highly regarded in their fields.

At Mayo Clinic, faculty members specialize within disease-oriented groups, including lymphoma, leukemia, and dysproteinemia, to provide disease-specific knowledge within the transplant field. You have direct access to the blood and marrow transplant faculty at Mayo Clinic throughout the Blood and Marrow Transplant Fellowship.

Advisers and mentors

The program director is available to provide comprehensive educational advice and personal support. You meet with him periodically throughout the program to review your progress and career goals and ensure that your educational needs are being met. Your program director may serve as a contact point for introducing you and your family to Jacksonville, Florida, and the Mayo Clinic system.

Visiting professors

Many prominent professors visit Mayo Clinic each year. They present their work during lectures, participate in hospital rounds, and have informal discussions with trainees. You are encouraged to take full advantage of these educational opportunities.