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Mayo Clinic's residency program in medical clinical genetics will prepare you for a career in private practice or academic medicine. The two years of training will include:

  • Inpatient and outpatient medical genetic evaluation
  • Prenatal, pediatric, and adult genetic evaluation
  • Genetic counseling

Clinical Training

First year
Clinical Service 10 months
Molecular Genetics and Cytogenetics Laboratory 1 month
Biochemical Genetics Laboratory 1 month
Second year
Clinical Service 8 months
Prenatal Genetics 1 month
Center for Individualized Medicine 1 month
Elective Rotation (Optional) 2 months
(Elective rotation may include medical genetics laboratories, cytogenetic, molecular, and/or biochemical laboratories, medical genetics, and other specialties, or research projects.)


During your two years, at least three months of laboratory time is targeted to the acquisition of the clinical application of laboratory testing.

Didactic Training

Clinical conferences, seminars, small discussion groups, journal clubs, and one-on-one instruction are all an integral part of the Medical Genetics Residency Program.

The following schedule shows an example of the conferences and seminars that all genetics residents are expected to attend. In addition, clinical, molecular, cytogenetic, and biochemical staff, including genetic counselors, graduate students, genetic statisticians and epidemiologists, and other clinical specialties with special interests in metabolic disorders may attend.

Monday: (Weekly) Clinical Genomics Monday Seminar
Tuesday: (Weekly) Case Conference
Wednesday: (Twice a Month) Genomics Odyssey Board
Wednesday: (Twice a Month) Journal Club
Thursday: (Monthly) Clinical Genomics Research Meeting
Friday: (Monthly) Biochemical Genetics Laboratory Case Conference

In addition to these conferences directly related to medical genetics, there are teaching conferences hosted throughout the year by various departments that are attended on an ad hoc basis by clinical genetics staff and residents.

Research Training

You are encouraged to participate in research projects with the consulting staff. This includes opportunities for clinical studies and laboratory-based projects. Research time can be part of a Clinical Investigator Track or additional full-time research is possible if funding sources can be identified.

You are encouraged to present your research at regional and national meetings. If you are selected to make a presentation, Mayo Clinic will pay the authorized expenses for you to attend that meeting (within the United States). One trip (up to five days) "for attendance only" is provided.

Case Studies

There are a wide variety of clinical cases that are appropriate for reporting in the medical genetics literature.

Teaching Opportunities

You will have the opportunity to teach Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine students, visiting students from other medical schools, and fellows/residents from other specialty areas through bedside instruction, formal didactic lectures, and participation in small group exercises and tutorials.

Call Frequency

Your call schedule will vary by individual rotation. Mayo Clinic follows the recommendations of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). There is no in-house call.

Medical Genetics residents are on home call via pager during the clinical rotation for weekend and night emergencies. A staff consultant is always on call to support the resident.

Committee Assignments

You will be given an opportunity to gain experience in a number of administrative capacities during your training. For example, participation in department meetings will provide you with experience in quality assessment of clinical care issues and genetic testing. Practice-related reviews, performance metrics, and patient experience metrics are followed closely. 

Moonlighting Policy

Moonlighting is permitted during this residency, following the Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education general guidelines. This must be approved by the program director.


Your performance will be monitored carefully during the course of your Medical Genetics and Genomics Residency. You will be evaluated on the ACGME/AMBGG competencies through annual in-service training exams as they relate to medical genetics. In addition, you will regularly evaluate the faculty to ensure that your educational needs are being met.

Career Development

You will meet periodically with various faculty members, administrators, and the program director to discuss your career goals. Mayo Clinic recruits many of its staff physicians from its own training programs. Thus, when you successfully complete the Medical Genetics Residency Program, job opportunities may be available at one of Mayo Clinic's group practices.

Additional Training

At the conclusion of the Medical Genetics Residency, you can continue your training with Mayo Clinic School of Graduate Medical Education. The Department of Clinical Genetics, in conjunction with the Section of Laboratory Medicine, Department of Laboratory Medicine/Pathology offers advanced residency training in clinical laboratory genetics and genomics, and biochemical genetics.

If you are accepted for a fellowship, you will continue to receive in-depth, daily, one-on-one training with a consultant. You also will also have the opportunity to increase your own supervisory and administrative skills.