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Clinical Training

The advanced fellow will commit approximately 50% effort to clinical training and may choose to see patients in one or more of the five subspecialty clinics aligned with the GIH Neoplasia Fellowship Program. Supervision and mentoring will be performed by staff gastroenterologists and hepatologists with focused interests and expertise related to GIH cancer.


Outpatient subspecialty clinic and endoscopy training assignments will be arranged in four-week blocks. Depending upon your individual interests, additional four- to eight-week clinical rotations can be arranged in complementary areas, such as capsule endoscopy reading, pathology interpretation, diagnostic radiology, colorectal surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, and clinical genomics. Rotation to Mayo Clinic campuses in Arizona or Florida is available for fellows interested in gaining additional clinical genetics practice experience.

Didactic Training

The advanced fellow will help coordinate the regular GIH Cancer Interest Group meetings, participate in other divisional/institutional conferences as appropriate and assist with teaching medical residents and GIH fellows assigned to the affiliated subspecialty clinics.

Research Training

The advanced fellow will commit 50% effort to research training. Faculty mentors are actively involved in basic, observational, translational, and clinic research that covers the full spectrum of premalignant and malignant conditions in the gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary tracts.

Major themes include: risk assessment, genetic epidemiology, heritable syndromes, early detection, chemoprevention, and endoscopic interventions. The advanced fellow will select a primary mentor who will work closely with the advanced fellow to ensure that realistic project expectations, objectives, and timelines are set and achieved.

Candidates are encouraged to contact potential mentors prior to starting the advanced fellowship, if interested.

Completion of at least one major research project is considered the minimum expectation. Participation in several smaller projects is also encouraged.

As part of the research training, the advanced fellow will be expected to demonstrate skills in the design, conduct, analysis, reporting, and publication of a research study.

Relevant courses are offered through Mayo Clinic Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Health Services Research on an annual schedule, at no cost to the advanced fellow. Candidates who are particularly interested in study design and outcomes methodology may choose to pursue a master's degree in clinical translational research as part of their training.

Teaching Opportunities

Opportunities are available for teaching medical residents and GIH fellows.


To ensure that the advanced fellow acquires adequate knowledge and proficient technical skills, their performance will be carefully monitored. Supervising faculty members will be asked to provide formal evaluations after each clinical rotation and the primary mentor will be asked to provide monthly evaluations regarding research progress and productivity. The advanced fellow will meet regularly with the program directors to review these evaluations and will also be requested to evaluate the training program on a periodic basis to ensure your educational expectations are being met.

Call Frequency

There is no after-hours call responsibility during this advanced fellowship.


One year is spent on focused training and research, therefore moonlighting is generally not allowed.