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Meet Our Fellows

The Gastroenterology and Hepatology Neoplasia Fellowship draws trainees from across the U.S. and around the world. While all our trainees have a love of learning and a compassionate approach to patient care, they come from diverse backgrounds, family status, and professional and personal interests. Meet our current current fellow and learn about their experience in the program.

Derek Ebner, M.D.Derek Ebner, M.D.

Hometown: Arvada, Colorado
Medical school: Eastern Virginia Medical School
Pubmed: My publications

What attracted you to gastroenterology?

When I was considering medical school, I wanted an opportunity to further assess the practice of medicine. This opportunity presented itself via a wanted ad on the pre-med email list serve. A private GI practice sought an endoscopic technician that they would train in-house. At the time I was not aware of what a gastroenterologist was or the scope of practice. Through observing the spectrum of gastrointestinal conditions, the thrill of endoscopy, and the diversity of inpatient/outpatient duties, it cemented my desire to pursue medicine and revealed a passion for gastroenterology.

What attracted you to Mayo Clinic for fellowship training?

Mayo Clinic’s culture was one of the highlights that made me want to pursue categorical training here. It was abundantly clear that the staff is committed to their trainees and strives to assist you in meeting your career goals and learning.

The fellowship at large is also unique given the number of opportunities for advanced training. One of my interests is in the space of colorectal cancer prevention as well as the management of early colorectal cancer. Although I had an opportunity to care for many patients with colorectal cancer there were several hereditary cancer syndromes and gastrointestinal neoplasms (particularly neuroendocrine, GIST, and gastric cancer) that I saw fair less often. The advanced neoplasia training opportunity affords greater exposure to these conditions and partnership with our multidisciplinary care teams. 

What makes the Mayo Clinic Gastroenterology Fellowship unique?

One of the unique aspects of our subspecialty clinics is the clinical support. The neoplasia nurse team closely reviews each outside consultation to ensure timely coordination of diagnostic studies as well as obtaining outside medical records. A surprising feature of the neoplasia fellowship is the dedicated time for research.  Half of the fellowship is dedicated to research, which provides an unmatched opportunity for mentorship and to extract preliminary data for grant development.     

What are your research interests and career aspirations?

Through the CCaTS certificate program, sponsored by the division, I developed several skills to become an independent researcher. My interest is colorectal cancer screening/prevention and better defining the treatment strategies for early colorectal neoplasia. With the growing rate of noninvasive cancer screens, I aspire to develop patient registries for those who utilize these tests to study performance in clinical practice. With the dedicated research time during my advanced training, I have the opportunity to attend additional training on patient registry design.  

What is living in Rochester like for you?

Rochester is very welcoming and has treated my family well. My wife, two boys, and I enjoy a lot of the nearby parks and zoo. We've been able to purchase a home thanks to the affordable cost of living. The short commute time has translated to more family time. Although a smaller city, the Destination Medical Center brings ample opportunities for entertainment and fun.

What does your future look like right now?

With the skill sets I have acquired, I am well prepared and look forward to entering academic medicine.