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Clinical Training

You will be an integral part of the Headache team with responsibilities for evaluating and treating challenging outpatient cases in four one-half day clinics, as well as for the management of patients.

The schedule of clinical activities is designed to ensure that you have experience with different aspects of headache and craniofacial pain care.

Didactic Training 
Clinical conferences, seminars, small discussion groups, journal clubs and one-on-one instruction are all an integral part of Headache Fellowship.

You will participate in clinical case conferences or research at the following:

  • Monthly headache satellite teleconference linking staff at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Jacksonville and Scottsdale, as well as members of Mayo Clinic Health System.
  • Monday noon Neurology Grand Rounds.
  • Other departmental or interdepartmental conferences as needs and opportunities arise.

Research Training 
Your research opportunities at Mayo Clinic Arizona are outstanding. The hands-on clinical experiences in this fellowship, combined with our highly trained laboratory and statistical support teams, create an environment well-suited to scientific investigation.

At least 30 percent of the Headache Fellowship will be designated to research, grant writing, manuscript preparation, and presentations for national and international meetings.

Your participation in any research project will depend upon your professional interests and capabilities. Attendance at a national neuroscience meeting will be available for original presentations.

To ensure that you acquire adequate knowledge and develop your technical skills, your performance will be monitored carefully during the course of your fellowship. You will be evaluated formally by the program director.