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Each of the laboratories in the Division of Laboratory Genetics and Genomics at Mayo Clinic provides testing for a wide range of genetic disorders using a variety of platforms. In addition, the Genetics and Genomics Laboratory offers numerous tests in the areas of hematology and oncology.

Test volumes in each laboratory are large and are rapidly increasing. You also are able to interact with consultants in other laboratories and clinical departments, such as experimental pathology, hematology, hematopathology, medical genomics, microbiology, and Center for Individualized Medicine.

Clinical training

Casework involves working closely with board-certified directors and genetic counselors. A typical fellowship experience includes:

  • Collection and review of appropriate clinical and pedigree information from the referring clinician
  • Review of technical work performed
  • Scoring and interpretation of results
  • Performing risk calculations (when applicable)
  • Interpretation of test results
  • Generation of the interpretive report
  • Subsequent follow-up with the referring clinician

Practical laboratory experience

Each genetics laboratory is fully equipped for diagnostic and research work. You have opportunity for involvement in research projects and the development of new clinical tests. In addition, you review quality control and quality assurance procedures, and participate in preparing the laboratory for certification inspections by on-site reviewers from the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and New York State.

Research training

Clinical testing at Mayo Clinic benefits from active research and development programs. Developmental activities in the Division of Laboratory Genetics are focused on improving current test strategies and introducing new genetic tests. All approved tests meet rigid validation standards that include a thorough evaluation of methodology and clinical utility.

Our research programs combine the expertise and experience of Mayo Clinic scientists to advance the field of genetics and genetic testing.

Didactic training

Didactic training is provided through formal lectures, case conferences, seminars, and journal reviews.

The training program encompasses a broad range of topics and expertise, including:

  • Molecular, cytogenetic, and biochemical etiology and pathogenesis of human genetic diseases
  • Laboratory diagnosis and carrier detection of a broad range of genetic disorders and malignancies using a range of state-of-the-art molecular techniques
  • Risk calculations, including Bayesian analysis and calculations for linkage analyses
  • Genetic counseling of disorders diagnosed by laboratory methods
  • Technical problems, potential pitfalls and laboratory quality control, and assurance procedures

Teaching opportunities

In all Mayo Clinic genetic fellowships, you have the opportunity to teach other laboratory genetics fellows, pathology residents and fellows, laboratory technologists, and visiting students from other medical schools through bench instruction and formal didactic lectures.


To ensure that you acquire adequate knowledge and develop the appropriate technical skills to meet program expectations, your performance is monitored carefully during the Molecular Genetic Pathology Fellowship. You are formally evaluated by supervising faculty members on a regular basis and meet with the program director to review these evaluations. In addition, you regularly evaluate the faculty to confirm that your educational needs are being met.