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Clinical training

The focus of the Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship is to develop clinical expertise in regional anesthesia and acute pain management.

Fellows perform a wide variety of both upper and lower extremity peripheral nerve blocks using single-injection and continuous catheter techniques. Your fellowship will focus on both conventional, landmark-based approaches and ultrasound-guided techniques. You also have the opportunity to perform paravertebral blocks as well as thoracic and lumbar epidural catheters.

In addition to the technical aspects learned from performing regional blocks, fellows become proficient in the perioperative management of patients undergoing regional anesthesia, including preoperative evaluation, procedure-related sedation, intraoperative management and postoperative care. You will also learn to identify and manage inadequate or failed blocks using multiple analgesic and anesthetic modalities.

Didactic training

Didactic training is an integral part of Mayo Clinic's Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship.

You will participate in:

  • Clinical case conferences
  • Core curriculum lectures
  • Introductory lecture series
  • Journal clubs
  • Key word phrase mini-lectures
  • Morbidity and mortality conferences
  • Oral board reviews
  • Formal practice oral examinations
  • Subspecialty mini-lectures
  • Written board reviews

In addition to the education gained during clinical and research activities, fellows have the opportunity to expand their understanding of the biological and clinical science of regional anesthesia through a variety of educational endeavors, including:

  • Cadaveric dissection
  • Multidisciplinary Simulation Center
  • Ultrasound skills training
  • Neurophysiology lecture series
  • Weekly didactics
  • Resident education sessions
  • National meetings

Research training

You will participate in research activities during your training. You are encouraged to publish a manuscript related to work completed during your fellowship. Scholarly activity is encouraged, including journal club presentations and research presentations at national meetings.

Mayo Clinic's Department of Anesthesiology is staffed with many experienced investigators who are willing to serve as mentors from project development through manuscript submission.


To ensure fellows gain proficiency and develop the corresponding technical skills, performance is monitored throughout the Regional Anesthesiology and Acute Pain Medicine Fellowship. You are formally evaluated by a supervising faculty member upon completion of each clinical rotation, and then meet with the program director to review these evaluations.

In addition, fellows regularly evaluate the faculty to ensure that their educational goals are being met.