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The Vascular Surgery Fellowship is purely a clinical program with a mentorship model of training that assigns each fellow to a single faculty member (Consultant Vascular Surgery) for either six-week or three-month rotations. During this time, you will be responsible for all operating room cases, outpatient clinics, and inpatient care under the supervision of one surgeon.

This education continuity allows graduated progression of knowledge and technical skills with 1:1 mentorship at all levels. Your fellowship training covers all areas of vascular surgery and you will assume increasing responsibility for care pre-operatively, operatively, and post-operatively over the course of your fellowship.

Didactic conferences

The curriculum includes grand rounds, clinical case conferences, M&M, a visiting professor program, endovascular conferences, and procedural skills training.

A robust weekly conference schedule covers the scope of vascular surgery over the course of your training.

Grand Rounds

The Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery meets every Tuesday morning for Grand Rounds.

Clinical case conferences

The program provides education time for vascular surgery residents every week for faculty-led, topic-based didactic conferences to include:

  • Morbidity and mortality conference (twice per month)
  • Case presentations (twice per month)
  • Core curriculum lecture presented by either a vascular surgery resident or fellow or a faculty expert in the subject matter (two to three per month)
  • Endovascular conference (meets every Friday morning)

Journal club

Journal Club is held every month. It replaces a Friday endovascular conference with topic-based discussions of articles from the Society of Vascular Surgery Journal.

Visiting professor program

The Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery has the honor of hosting several visiting professors each year.

The Larry H. Hollier visiting professor program started in 2006 and has included the following visiting professors:

  • R. Clement Darling, III, MD (2019)
  • Kevin Mani, MD, PhD (2019)
  • Professor Michael Jacobs (2019)
  • Kimihiro Komori, MD, PhD, FACS (2019)
  • Professor Bijan Modarai, PhD, FRCS (2018)
  • Ronald L. Dalman, MD (2018)
  • Richard P. Cambria, MD (2017)
  • Peter Lawrence, MD (2016)
  • Wesley Moore, MD (2015)

The agenda typically includes lectures, dinner with the residents and fellows, and resident case presentations. The visiting professor program allows you to meet and learn from established national and international experts, and educators from other institutions who share their specific expertise and contribute significantly to your knowledge and training.


Once per year the division hosts an Advanced Endovascular Aortic Workshop which includes daily lectures, 3D printed models based on real patient anatomy, and simulation OR time to practice aortic surgery.

Three to four times per year the division hosts an Iliac Branch Endoprosthesis (IBE) workshop which provides an educational experience on the indications and techniques using the iliac branch endoprosthesis devices. You have hands on experience with 3D models based on real patient anatomy.