Resource Groups
Mayo Employee Resource Groups
Open to all Mayo Clinic employees, Mayo Employee Resource Groups (MERGs) celebrate, support, and encourage diversity among employees. Mayo Clinic provides financial and administrative support and resources to ensure each group's success. Every MERG also has an executive sponsor who serves as a mentor and advocate for the group's programs and activities.
- African Descendants (AD)
- Arab Heritage
- Caribbean Heritage
- Celebrate Dakota!
- Chinese
- disAbility
- eMERGing Leaders
- Filipino
- Greater Leadership Opportunities for Women (GLOW)
- India
- Iranian Heritage
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI)
- Multicultural Nurses
- Somos Latinos
- Transcultural Patient Care
- Veterans
- African Descendants (AD)
- Asian Connection
- disAbility
- Latinos y Latinas
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI)
- Yellow Ribbon Veterans
- African Descendants (AD)
- Asian Fusion
- Association of Latinos at Mayo (ALMA)
- disAbility
- Family Resource, Event, and Support Hub (FRESH)
- Globally Inspired Volunteers Exchange Time, Achievements, Knowledge, and Experience (GIVE/TAKE)
- India
- Influence, Inspiration, and Growth (IIG)
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex (LGBTI)
- SOAR (veterans)
Community resources
Mayo Clinic supports many diversity-related organizations at each of our locations. Learn more about community resources in Minnesota, Arizona, and Florida.
- Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association. Provides culturally and linguistically appropriate support services that foster the well-being and independence of foreign-born residents.
- NAACP of Rochester, Minnesota. Ensures the political, educational, social, and economic equality rights of all people and works to eliminate racial hatred and discrimination.
- Rochester Area Chamber of Commerce Diversity in Business Initiative. Implements the Workforce 2020 community initiative to meet present and future education and diverse workforce needs.
- Rochester International Association. Celebrates cultural diversity and provides opportunities for multicultural education and exchange.
- Diversity Council. Promotes diversity as the foundation to build a healthy, inclusive, and prosperous community.
- A New Leaf. Helps families and changes lives in response to community needs such as domestic violence, homelessness, and at-risk youth.
- Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Serves as the primary advocate for Latino-owned businesses statewide.
- UNITY Pledge. Coordinates a concerted effort by Arizona businesses and individuals to advance workplace equality and equal treatment in housing and hospitality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals and their allies.
- Greater Phoenix Black Chamber of Commerce. Facilitates the economic empowerment of the Greater Phoenix black community and chamber members through the promotion of entrepreneurship on a variety of levels.
- Diversity Leadership Alliance. Provides diversity and inclusion education, resources, tools, and forums to the Phoenix area.
- Equality Arizona Advocacy Fund. Builds bridges throughout Arizona, providing communities with resources, education, and tools to create change.
- Grand Canyon Minority Supplier Development Council. Provides opportunities for minority-owned businesses, corporations, and government entities through certification and development to connect and form mutually beneficial business relationships.
- National Association of Hispanic Nurses Valle del Sol Chapter. Committed to the recruitment and retention of Hispanics into the nursing profession.
- Community Research Advisory Board. Developed under the leadership of Floyd Willis, M.D., at Mayo Clinic in Florida. The board reviews research protocols and provides feedback to investigators about their proposed study design based on diverse perspectives and advises on strategies for recruitment of diverse populations to research protocols. Community members represent multicultural backgrounds and various professions. CRAB assisted in the development, planning, and execution of a conference that identified and addressed health disparities in the Jacksonville area.
- Jacksonville Community Council, Inc. This citizen think tank explores issues of community importance, identifies problems, discovers solutions, and advocates for positive change.
- OneJax. An interfaith organization that promotes respect and understanding among people of different religions, races, cultures, and beliefs.
- Ritz Theatre and Museum. Celebrates the rich legacy of the African-American community that thrived in La Villa for more than 100 years.
- United Negro College Fund. Builds a robust and nationally-recognized pipeline of underrepresented students who, because of United Negro College Fund (UNCF) support, become highly-qualified college graduates.
- Women of Color Cultural Foundation. Organization of assistance toward egalitarianism for people of color fosters social equity in health, education, and economic development by bringing communities together to serve the common good.
I compared Mayo with over 17 other institutions during the medical school interview process — there is nowhere in the country with clearer vision or stronger values. I live my dream every single day here, learning and serving alongside some of the greatest hearts and minds of our time. I implore any who are thinking of coming here to strive for that opportunity. There is nowhere on earth like Mayo.
Adam Howard
M.D. student, Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine