Sevann Helo, M.D.
Associate Program Director
Senior Associate Consultant
Interests include:
- Male infertility
- Penile prosthetics
- Office-based microsurgery
The Department of Urology at Mayo Clinic is committed to excellence in patient care, education and research. The department coordinates more than 100,000 patient care visits a year and annually performs:
You participate in clinical care through a preceptorship model incorporating three advanced practice providers, three Men's Health nurses, and numerous others on the Men's Health team.
To facilitate research endeavors, you are granted access to pre-existing databases for penile implants, Peyronie's Disease, and fertility. In addition, faculty members have several active databases and studies.
Thank you for your interest in our one-year Andrology Fellowship! We are very proud of our previous fellows and are confident you will receive outstanding training in our program. The three program faculty members, Doctors Köhler, Ziegelmann, and Helo, have completed their own Andrology fellowships and have sub-specialty expertise. You can expect to participate in more than 100 penile implants, more than 50 vasectomy reversals (performed almost exclusively in the clinic), high volume complex Peyronie's treatment, and more than 100 BPH procedures per year. You will become independent in all aspects of andrologic surgery including clinic procedures and penile doppler. You are expected to be active academically in both publication and presentation at major meetings. Abundant opportunity for participation in original or ongoing research exists. All fellows will complete a several week microsurgery course and will be expected to help mentor residents rotating onto the Men's Health Service.
Our team looks forward to working with you.
Tobias Köhler, M.D., M.P.H.
Andrology Fellowship Program Director
The Andrology Fellowship is unique in that you get dedicated time from the faculty members with diverse backgrounds and clinical focus, such as:
Associate Program Director
Senior Associate Consultant
Interests include:
Senior Associate Consultant
Interests include:
During the fellowship, mentoring is available from all faculty members. You are assigned a specific staff mentor to assist with your career goals and assess progress through the fellowship. You meet with your mentor on a quarterly basis to ensure that your educational needs are being met.
The department hosts three to five guest lecturers each year. These lectureships are arranged educational events frequently scheduled over the course of two days.
Fellows may present clinical cases to visiting professors for additional education opportunities.