Two doctors look at images from a brain scan on a computer screen.

Graduate medical education in psychology at Mayo Clinic

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Mayo Clinic's campus in Jacksonville, Florida, offers a two-year full-time postdoctoral program for advanced training in clinical neuropsychology. The Clinical Neuropsychology Fellowship prepares doctoral-level neuropsychologists for board certification through the American Board of Clinical Neuropsychology (ABCN) and for careers in multidisciplinary medical or academic settings.

The training model focuses on medical neuropsychology in young, middle-age, and older adults. Clinical training focuses on outpatient neuropsychological evaluation, cross-cultural neuropsychological evaluation in Spanish Speakers, neuropsychological monitoring in neurosurgical settings, and rehabilitation-focused interventions.

A broad range of training opportunities are available in neurodegenerative disease, cerebrovascular disease, motor neuron disease, autoimmune and rheumatologic syndromes, organ transplantation, epilepsy, neuro-oncology, and other subspecialties. You will complete time in three major clinical rotations during the two-year training cycle:

  • Classic Primary Neurodegenerative Disease and Clinical Prodromes
  • Neurosurgical Populations (Epilepsy/Neuro-Oncology/Cerebrovascular)
  • Complex Medical Neuropsychology/Genetic Conditions
Mayo Clinic Clinical Neuropsychology fellows examining a brain scan

Your training experience

As a fellow at Mayo Clinic, you'll have access to robust clinical, educational, and research resources. You'll find support both inside and outside of the campus to promote physical and mental wellness and ensure your work/life balance.

More about the curriculum

Beth Rush, Ph.D.

Director's welcome

We collaborate with learners to create individually tailored training experiences in clinical practice, research, and teaching. We train by the Mayo Clinic philosophy that "the needs of the patient come first” while also recognizing that the needs of the learner come first.

More from the program director


The Clinical Neuropsychology Fellowship is a member program of the Association of Postdoctoral Programs in Clinical Neuropsychology (APPCN). APPCN does not accredit postdoctoral programs but has developed training standards and a code of conduct for affiliated programs to which this program complies.

Program history

The Clinical Neuropsychology Fellowship began in 1995 with one fellow training at a time for a two-year program cycle and recruitment taking place only once every 2 years. Beginning with the 2025-2027 program cycle, this program will recruit every year, moving to a model where there will be a first-year fellow at the same time as a second-year fellow. Former fellows have gone on to secure positions in academic departments, medical centers, private practice, and industry.

Florida campus overview

Florida campus overview


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Mayo Clinic campus in Jacksonville, Florida.

Jacksonville, FL

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