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Meet Our Fellows

The Gastroenterology, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Fellowship draws trainees from across the U.S. and around the world. While all our trainees have a love of learning and a compassionate approach to patient care, they come from diverse backgrounds, family status, and professional and personal interests. Meet our current fellow and learn about their experience in the program.

Siddharth Singh, M.B.B.S.Siddharth Singh, M.B.B.S.

Hometown: New Delhi, India
Medical school: All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India

What attracted you to gastroenterology?

Gastroenterology combines the technical aspects of medicine with a strong focus on the patient. It's a unique specialty where time-honored patient-physician interactions in clinical medicine interact successfully with modern gadgetry and computer technology to improve the diagnosis and management of human disease.

What attracted you to Mayo Clinic for fellowship training?

The stellar faculty with expertise in all aspects of gastroenterology, the camaraderie among fellows and the structure of the program, with emphasis on clinical experience, education and research tailored to a fellow's needs.

What makes the Mayo Clinic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Fellowship unique?

The lengths to which the program goes to develop a unique learning experience tailored to fellows' needs, taking great interest in pairing fellows up with the right research and clinical mentor, in an amicable, stress-free environment.

Did anything surprise you about Mayo's program?

The humble faculty, who despite being world famous, always have open doors for clinical, academic, professional and personal questions (and encourage you to use them) and take keen interest in ensuring the best for the fellows.

Actually, everyone — education coordinators, the clinical assistants at the desk, secretaries, endoscopy nurses and techs — does his or her best to make it a great, functional learning environment.

What is living in Rochester, Minnesota, like for you?

It's great for eight months of the year! Great, affordable place to raise kids with good parks, recreational activities and excellent schools.

What does your future look like right now?

I'll be moving to the University of California, San Diego, to pursue additional training in biomedical informatics on a National Library of Medicine fellowship, and working with the maestro himself, Dr. William Sandborn, in inflammatory bowel diseases.