The Minimally Invasive Surgical (MIS) Program at Mayo Clinic Rochester offers advanced training in minimal access approaches to surgical diseases including laparoscopic, endoscopic, and da Vinci-assisted. Fellows will receive training opportunities in complex gastrointestinal, primary and revisional bariatric, complex hernia, and solid-organ procedures. Clinical training places emphasis on proficiency and excellence in patient selection, operative technique and perioperative care. In addition to a strong clinical emphasis, an integral part of this program is mentored training in education and research. Fellows will participate in educational activities and will have ample opportunities to be mentored in clinical and experimental research. Ongoing refinement of existing MIS approaches and advancement of innovative approaches including hybrid procedures are important; fellows of this program will be active participants in these endeavors.
Our goal is to assist the graduate in establishing excellence in clinical, educational, and research abilities within minimally invasive approaches, and to prepare them for independent clinical practice as well as providing leadership and academic career opportunities.
To ensure the fellow gains proficiency and develops the corresponding technical skills, performance is monitored throughout this program. Entrustable professional activities will be used to evaluate the fellow on their ability to perform critical clinical tasks either alone or in combination with formal evaluations by the supervising faculty member following the completion of each clinical rotation. The fellow will also meet accordingly with the program director to review these evaluations. In addition, the fellow has the opportunity to regularly evaluate the faculty to ensure educational goals are being met.
This one-year MIS Fellowship program is fully accredited through the Fellowship Council.
Choosing Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN
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