Radiation oncologist residents look at a scan.

Graduate medical education in radiation oncology at Mayo Clinic

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The Radiation Oncology Residency at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona, offers a categorical program that combines a one-year Transitional Year Residency (PGY-1) with a four-year Radiation Oncology Residency (PGY-2 through PGY-5). There is not a separate application for the preliminary year.

Unique program opportunities include:


hospital in Arizona for 12 consecutive years (U.S. News, 2024-25)

Video: The Arizona Experience

Video: The Arizona Experience


Dr. McGee, Associate Program Director, speaking with a patient at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona.

Your training experience

As a resident at Mayo Clinic, you'll have access to robust clinical, educational, and research resources. You'll find support both inside and outside of the campus to promote physical and mental wellness and ensure your work/life balance.

More about the curriculum

More about life as a resident

Dr. Ashman, program director, speaking with a resident at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona.

Director's welcome

Our goal is to educate and train physicians to be skillful, caring, and compassionate in the treatment of patients. At the completion of the program, physicians are ready for the demands of private practice, academic practice, or a fellowship program.

More from the program directors

See our graduate outcomes

Visiting Medical Student Clerkships

The clerkship offers an introduction to radiation oncology, including exposure to proton therapy. The experiences in this clerkship take place primarily on Mayo Clinic's campus in Phoenix, Arizona in the Division of Radiation Oncology.


The Radiation Oncology Residency at Mayo Clinic is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.


You will be eligible to take the board certification examination offered by the American Board of Radiology upon completion of the Radiation Oncology Residency.

Program history

The Radiation Oncology Residency at Mayo Clinic's campus in Arizona began in July 2013. It is anticipated that one resident will complete training in this program annually.

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Choosing Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic campus in Phoenix, Arizona.

Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ

Campus and community
Group of consultant, nurse, and residents discussing case in hallway at Mayo Clinic.

Stipend and benefits