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Society of Reproductive Surgery (SRS) Surgical Scholars

Mayo Clinic was one of the four inaugural sites to offer the SRS Surgical Scholars Track.

The SRS Surgical Scholars Track is a specialized pathway embedded within a traditional three-year Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility fellowship that fellows may elect to pursue at approved sites to enhance their reproductive surgical skills. The track provides structured surgical training, core surgical education, and completion of a fellowship thesis related to reproductive surgery within the REI fellowship.

It is designed to:

  • Provide structured surgical training and expertise in perioperative management in the field of minimally invasive reproductive surgery.
    • Establish surgical competencies and procedure logs for uniform assessment and development of highly skilled surgeons.
    • Emphasis will be on minimally invasive reproductive techniques.
  • Promote high-quality basic science, translational, and clinical research in reproductive surgery, which will be presented at the ASRM Congress annually by graduating fellows.
  • Ensure a shared core didactic curriculum in reproductive surgery among SRS Surgical Scholars.
  • Facilitate mentorship and networking among trainees seeking a career in reproductive surgery.
    • Identify graduates of the SRS Surgical Scholars Track as possessing specialized qualifications to pursue surgically oriented employment.
  • Establish a network of reproductive surgery centers for collaborative research efforts.

The SRS Surgical Scholars track serves to add diversity in expertise among reproductive endocrinologists that foster innovation in treatment for conditions related to infertility. It provides the opportunity for fellows to confidently pursue a clinical focus on reproductive surgery and is suited for the fellow with goals to be the primary referral surgeon within his/her future practice. 

The SRS Surgical Scholars track is well-timed with recent changes in the fellowship structure that will now allow six months of elective time for fellows along with 12 months of research and 18 months of clinical time.

Video: Reproductive Surgery

Video: Reproductive Surgery
