Student Stories
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Positron Emission Tomography Program graduates: Where are they now?
The PET Program was a great asset to the Nuclear Medicine Technologist Program by going more in depth and focusing just on PET modalities. I enjoyed the more self-paced flow of the program, but also having deadlines to keep me on track! The practice exams prepared me for the real thing and provided insight into each area, as well as what to expect. It was also nice to be in the program while working at the same time and getting to apply that knowledge directly.
Alexandra Herman, C.N.M.T., PET
2021 graduate who is now a dual certified Nuclear Medicine/PET Technologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN
My favorite part of the PET Program was working with multiple PET radiopharmaceuticals. Since we have both clinical and research scanners in our PET imaging department, we were able to inject patients every day with tracers - an experience that most students only learn about in textbooks. Also, due to our large patient volume, I was able to gain a multitude of clinical experiences over the course of the program that gave me a great jump start into my career as a PET technologist.
Alyssa Baumer, C.N.M.T., PET
2016 graduate who is now a dual certified Nuclear Medicine/PET Technologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN, and serves as a lead