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Student Stories

Group of faculty and students practicing radiation therapy on a linear accelerator

Student outcomes

For more information about outcome statistics, see the program effectiveness data.

Radiation Therapy Program graduates: Where are they now? 

Radiation Therapy Program alumni go on to do great things. Get some insight about the student experience, what to expect, and discover the next steps after graduation.

Rashad Momoh, RTT

Rashad Momoh, RTT

"Mayo Clinic School of Health Sciences has the reputation of having an extremely successful program and perfect board exam pass rates. Having already been a student in another Mayo Clinic educational program, I knew there was no other place for me. One of the most valuable things about this program was learning something in the classroom in the morning, and later that afternoon, directly applying it during clinical rotations. The program has been so well established that everything you learn is applicable to your daily work. My education substantially exceeded every requirement provided by the national board registry. With a solid curriculum and ample clinical experience, the program prepared each and every student to be able to work comfortably and confidently anywhere in the country."

Next steps: Rashad is a 2017 graduate. He went on to complete further education and is now a dosimetrist at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota. 

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Mackenzie Breedon, RTT

Mackenzie Breedon, RTT

"I decided to complete my education at Mayo Clinic because of the great patient care. Alumni from previous years told me that the Radiation Therapy Program is very challenging, but you are taught by some the best in the field — whether it’s from radiation oncologists, radiation physicists, or radiation therapists during clinical rotations."

"It is incredibly rewarding to work with patients during such a challenging time in their lives and I am grateful that I can support them during treatment. This career is challenging, but the patients make it worth it. The coolest experience I’ve had is getting to see “behind the scenes” of the Proton department. It is shocking to see how truly big the gantries are and exciting to be part of a newer technology."

Next steps: Mackenzie is a 2019 graduate and is now a radiation therapist at a cancer center in Florida.

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Machele Michels, C.M.D., RTT

Machele Michels, C.M.D., RTT

"I believe one of the most valuable aspects of this program is having the opportunity to learn from world-renowned physicians, as well as training on the most up-to-date, state-of-the-art technology. This allows patients with even the rarest forms of cancers to receive top-of-the-line treatment and students gain experience that prepares them for anything they may encounter in the workforce. I was able to apply the skills and training I learned in the Radiation Therapy Program to continue my education and pursue a career in proton dosimetry. I’m continuously amazed each day by the team collaboration here at Mayo Clinic that enables radiation treatment for patients throughout the country and even the world."

Next steps: Machele is a 2012 graduate. She went on to complete further education and is now a dosimetrist at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota. She is also a faculty member for the dosimetry course in the Radiation Therapy Program!

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Alex Kehren, RTT

Alex Kehren, RTT

"I am a very hands-on learner, and I was able to pull wisdom from not only my instructors, but also everyday radiation therapists. My instructors would explain to us why we do something a certain way, and then I could step into the clinical setting and come to the same conclusions first-hand. It was truly this time spent with the radiation therapists in the treatment room that prepared me for my career. We work in teams and it is because of my clinical time that I learned how to communicate effectively with my team members. At the end of the day, we succeed or fail as a department, as a team. Teamwork means everything here."

Next steps: Alex is a 2018 graduate and is now a medical dosimetry student at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota.

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Advancement opportunities for radiation therapists

While many consider this role to be a lifelong, fulfilling career, there are advancement opportunities available for radiation therapists. With additional education and experience, a radiation therapist can go on to become a medical dosimetrist. Radiation therapists can also advance to administrative positions, management positions, and education faculty appointments.