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The Breast Imaging Fellowship at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, is designed to provide an opportunity for subspecialty training at an advanced fellowship level. Our comprehensive multidisciplinary approach provides training in the fundamentals of breast imaging as well as breast interventions and advanced breast imaging, and it provides opportunities for a complete experience with the inclusion of curriculum time with other breast specialists, such as breast surgeons and pathologists.
Clinical training includes:
- 2D and 3D screening mammography
- 2D and 3D diagnostic mammography
- Diagnostic ultrasound
- Molecular breast imaging
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Stereotactic biopsy
- Tomosynthesis guided biopsy
- Ultrasound-guided biopsy
- Ultrasound-guided aspiration
- Ultrasound-guided FNA
- Ultrasound-guided I-125 seed localization
- MR-guided biopsy
- Mammographically guided I-125 seed localization
- Research
- Multidisciplinary training
- Elective time
Breast imaging fellows cover dedicated breast imaging-only call.
- Multidisciplinary breast conference. Each week, breast specialists in multiple fields meet to discuss cases to determine individualized patient care plans. Attendees include radiologists, surgeons, oncologists, radiation oncologists, pathologists, breast medicine physicians, geneticists, nurses, and physician assistants.
- Breast radiology-pathology conference. Each week, the breast radiologists meet with our breast pathologists to discuss imaging and pathology of biopsies performed the previous week. This facilitates real-time group decision making for concordance and imaging management plans.
- Breast imaging educational conference. Every two weeks, residents and fellows attend a breast imaging noon conference. There is also an optional monthly AM case conference.