Admissions and Application Process
The Clinician Investigator Training Program typically funds up to nine two-year trainee positions each year: five total in internal medical and medical subspecialties, and two each in surgery and surgical specialties and medical and laboratory specialties.
Applicants need to have exceptional academic qualifications and be willing to devote the time and effort required to become competent clinicians and researchers.
Additional interviews with faculty and potential mentors, subspecialty program directors, and current clinician investigator trainees will be scheduled during the residency, clinician investigator training program, and fellowship interview process.
Internal medicine and medical subspecialties
For internal medicine and medical subspecialties, there are two ways to enter the CITP:
- Through the Internal Medicine Match track via the NRMP match process (only for Rochester, Minnesota)
- Through the Internal Medicine Internal Resident track, available only to internal medicine PGY-2 residents at the Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Residency Program (all locations)
The Clinician Investigator Training Program in internal medicine and its subspecialties is divided into:
- 2.5 years of internal medicine residency training
- Followed by two years of research time (1.5 years for cardiovascular diseases)
- Followed by 1.5 years of clinical subspecialty training (two years of clinical training in cardiovascular diseases and six months of research training)
Internal Medicine Match track
For Internal Medicine trainees, the Clinician Investigator Training Program integrates rigorous clinical training in internal medicine and subspecialty training along with training in research.
Medical students (M.D. students and M.D.-Ph.D. students) and international medical graduates who apply through the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) process for a research track in internal medicine and match into the clinician investigator track are considered for three types of training in this integrated program (residency, CITP, and subspecialty). The residency training in internal medicine will be completed over three years.
Three positions are available for this track annually.
PGY-2 Internal Medicine track
This track provides an opportunity for research training for individuals who decide to pursue research later in their careers — that is, the decision for such training is made during the residency rather than during medical school.
Therefore, residents apply for this track in the late summer/early fall of their PGY-2 year for a two-year clinician investigator supported research appointment in the subspecialty of their choice.
There are two positions available for this track annually.
Surgery and surgical specialties and medical and laboratory specialties
Residents can apply to the Clinician Investigator Training Program typically during the second to the fifth year of their clinical training program.
There are four positions available for this track annually.