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Department and Faculty

A group photo of infectious disease faculty members

The Division of Infectious Diseases offers hospital-based consultations and specialized treatment for patients with infections or who develop infections while hospitalized.

Mayo Clinic infectious diseases faculty members, advance practice providers, and nurses participate in clinical focus groups that provide specialized care to subgroups of infectious disease patients. Our fellowship program and division academically help staff and fellows develop expertise in focused areas of infectious diseases.

You work with a dedicated faculty member when rotating on these consultative services:

  • General infectious diseases, including critical illness and intensive care, orthopedic infectious diseases, surgery, neurosurgery, and hematology/oncology
  • Solid-organ transplantation infectious diseases
  • Sexually transmitted infections and tuberculosis clinic
  • HIV Clinic
  • Travel medicine
  • Infection prevention and control
  • Antimicrobial stewardship

From the program director

Ross Powers, M.D.Thank you for your interest in the Infectious Diseases Fellowship at Mayo Clinic's campus in Jacksonville, Florida. We're proud to offer an individualized experience designed to provide the best training elements necessary for you to become highly skilled in infectious diseases.

It's our mission to create an environment that fosters lifelong learning of infectious diseases for residents, fellows, and staff, and enables excellence in the provision of patient-centered medicine.

As an infectious diseases fellow, you'll train at one of the largest transplant centers in the world, and gain clinical expertise in emerging subspecialties within infectious diseases including HIV, travel medicine, global health, infection prevention and control, antimicrobial stewardship, infections in the immunocompromised host, and general infectious disease.

You'll spend four months conducting primary research and quality improvement projects during the fellowship with the opportunity to use elective time for more research. The division provides an array of clinical and quality improvement research opportunities, and you'll present your work at local, national, and international meetings, and publish your work in peer-reviewed journals.

Fellows and residents have access to world leaders across many specialty areas throughout their training in Mayo Clinic's multidisciplinary care practice. Whether you want to pursue a career in academic medicine or community private practice, Mayo Clinic will support you. 

We encourage you to learn more about our Infectious Diseases Fellowship and contact us should you have additional questions.

Ross Powers, M.D.
Program Director


One of the greatest advantages of training at Mayo Clinic is the approachability, accessibility, and collegiality of the faculty. In addition to caring for patients in clinical practice, our faculty is committed to teaching and facilitating the growth of medical knowledge.

Sammer Elwasila, M.D.

Sammer Elwasila, M.D.


  • Graduate medical education and professional development
  • Bacterial host immune evasion
  • Mechanisms of bacterial resistance
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Prakash Kempaiah, Ph.D.

Prakash Kempaiah, Ph.D.


  • Development of HTS assays
  • Virtual screening of libraries and in-house compounds for design and synthesis of target-based drug molecule
  • Immunotherapeutics
  • Biomarker discovery and predictive modeling
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Ross Powers, M.D.

Ross Powers, M.D.


  • Treatment of medically complex infections including musculoskeletal and prosthetic device infections, mycobacterial infections, and infections in immunocompromised patients
  • Infection treatment and risk mitigation in pre- and post-international travelers
  • Infection risk mitigation in pre- and post-transplant patients
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Advisers and mentors

Faculty mentors provide career guidance, advice, and personal support. You'll pick a mentor at the beginning of the program. Mentors also serve as a contact point, introducing you and your family to Mayo Clinic and the community of Jacksonville, Florida.

Visiting professors

Many renowned professors visit Mayo Clinic each year. They present their work and share information in many venues. You're encouraged to take full advantage of these opportunities:

  • Grand rounds
  • Hospital rounds
  • Meetings with subspecialty fellows
  • Noon and morning lectures