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Research Training

Mayo Clinic has extensive basic science and clinical research facilities. Our unique research resource is the Rochester Epidemiology Project, a collaboration between health care providers in Olmstead County, Minnesota. This collaboration makes Olmstead County one of the few places in the United States where population-based research can be accomplished. The Rochester Epidemiology Project has been the source of numerous scientific papers on disease incidence and treatment outcomes.

Additional research databases include a photographic and clinical database of patients with facial nerve palsy and with thyroid eye disease.

Research time and funding

As a fellow, you will have scheduled research time in the first year (one half-day/month). Additional time will be available when the faculty members are traveling or on research time (approximately two days/month). In the second year, you will have an eight-week research elective for preparation of the ASOPRS thesis and other manuscripts. 

Research funding for fellow projects is available from the Department of Ophthalmology. Funds of $3,000 per project are available for data retrieval, statistical analysis for clinical research projects, and for animal and basic science supplies for lab-based studies. Additional funding is available upon request, after review by the Department of Ophthalmology Research Committee.

To promote scholarship in oculoplastic surgery, you will be provided funds to attend a national meeting of his/her choice. Attendance at additional meetings for the purpose of presenting original research will also be encouraged. Financial support for these activities will be provided for up to ten presentation weekdays per academic year.

Clinician Investigator Training Program

If you wish to obtain formal training in clinical research, you may elect to participate in the Clinician Investigator Training Program at Mayo Clinic. This program offers an integrated, comprehensive educational experience that features:

  • Combination of clinical specialty or subspecialty training and research experience leading to clinical specialty or subspecialty certification
  • Training in clinical research in preparation for conducting independent research
  • Opportunity to pursue a master's degree in biomedical science or clinical research
  • Personalized training for selected individuals who wish to pursue careers as clinician investigators

The program includes a core curriculum of seminars and graduate coursework, protocol development, and two years of uninterrupted research time. Trainees who complete the program are fully trained in research and eligible for clinical certification.