PGY-6 fellows can customize their experience by choosing an elective.
Pediatric plastic surgery
This elective provides advanced training in the treatment of pediatric patients with a wide range of congenital, posttraumatic, and postablative deformities.
Aesthetic surgery
This elective provides intensive exposure to the comprehensive care of aesthetic patients in the office setting. Hands-on instruction in advanced aesthetic techniques of the face and body is provided. In addition, you have the opportunity to become proficient in nonoperative modalities, including laser treatment and injectable fillers.
Hand surgery
During this elective, you work closely with the four fellowship-trained hand surgeons at Mayo Clinic Hospital, caring for inflammatory, congenital, and traumatic deformities, including microvascular surgery and brachial plexus reconstruction.
In this elective, you gain advanced training in the full spectrum of complex microsurgical reconstruction, including microsurgical breast reconstruction, reconstruction following the resection of sarcoma and head and neck cancer, gender affirmation surgery, and the surgical treatment of lymphedema.
The opportunity exists to use elective time to create a unique training experience, tailor-made to your needs.