From the program director
My goal is to help our residents use the vast resources of Mayo Clinic to achieve their career goals while maintaining the personalized mentorship approach that has always been a part of plastic surgery training.
I have been fortunate in my training and professional career to have had many wonderful mentors and role models, including Dr. John Persing at Yale, who first opened my eyes to plastic surgery, Dr. Joseph McCarthy at NYU, who made me into a plastic surgeon, and Dr. Henry Vasconez at the University of Kentucky, who taught me how to thrive in academic plastic surgery. I will never be able to repay them for what they have done for me, but I hope to honor them by instilling the same passion for the specialty in the next generation of plastic surgeons.
I was drawn to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville by the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a new plastic surgery residency. This has allowed me to draw from the best of my previous institutions, without being shackled by history. The Plastic Surgery Integrated Residency at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville is absolutely “something new under the sun.”
In the past 20 years, I have found the practice of plastic surgery to be endlessly fascinating, challenging, and rewarding. What a privilege to be a part of this specialty! We improve lives in so many ways, and we have a lot of fun doing it. A career in plastic surgery is an amazing journey, and I am proud to be your guide on the first steps of that journey.
Brian Rinker, M.D.
Program Director
Professor of Plastic Surgery
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