Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer Patient Interaction Proton Beam, Robert Mutter, M.D.

Graduate medical education in radiation oncology at Mayo Clinic

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The Radiation Oncology Residency program at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, offers individualized training that prepares residents for any career, including academic medicine and private practice.

Our program provides structured training and progress assessment in all aspects of radiation oncology.

Unique program opportunities include: 


hospital in Minnesota and nationally recognized on the Best Hospitals Honor Roll (U.S. News, 2024-25)


adult cancer hospital in the nation (U.S. News, 2024-25)

Video: Radiation Oncology Residency Overview

Video: Radiation Oncology Residency Overview


Two Radiation Oncology residents consulting at Mayo Clinic.

Your training experience

As a resident at Mayo Clinic, you'll have access to robust clinical, educational, and research resources. You'll find support both inside and outside of the campus to promote physical and mental wellness and ensure your work/life balance.

Dr. Corbin works with a radiation oncology patient at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.

Directors' welcome

We are committed to providing the highest quality training to prepare you for a successful and productive career in radiation oncology. We are looking to recruit trainees who are passionate about oncologic care, conducting practice changing research, and multi-disciplinary collaboration.


You are eligible to take the board certification examination offered by the American Board of Radiology upon completion of the program.


The Radiation Oncology Residency has been fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) with a 10-year accreditation cycle (the maximum).

Program history

Our Radiation Oncology residency program began in 1978. More than 90 residents have graduated from the program.

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Choosing Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester, Minnesota.

Rochester, MN

Campus and community
Group of consultant, nurse, and residents discussing case in hallway at Mayo Clinic.

Stipend and benefits