Ground EMS
The EMS fellow will work primarily with Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service (MCAS) and Rochester Fire Department (RFD) in Rochester, Minnesota.
Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service ground transport is an advanced life support service that provides high-quality emergency medical care at the scene of traumatic or medical emergencies, and during transport to and between medical facilities. MCAS ground operations respond to more than 70,000 emergency calls for service each year.
Mayo Clinic Ambulance ground operations comprise a team of registered paramedics and emergency medical technicians that provides advanced life support care and transport throughout much of the region. Mayo Clinic paramedics have advanced training and equipment to perform several medical interventions, including interpreting ECGs to confirm ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).
Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service ground ambulance serves Albert Lea, Austin, Duluth, Fairmont, Litchfield, Little Falls, Mankato, Owatonna, Plainview, Rochester, and St. Cloud, Minnesota; and Barron, Eau Claire, Osseo, and Superior, Wisconsin.
The EMS fellow will support MCAS and community first responders in a dedicated physician response vehicle, playing an active, hands-on role in prehospital care and on-scene medical direction.
Community Paramedicine service
Mayo Clinic Ambulance’s Community Paramedic service is responsible for delivering high-quality primary care and medical evaluation for low, medium, and high acuity patients in a variety of clinical and community settings. Major functions may include health assessments, chronic disease monitoring and education, medication management, immunizations and vaccinations, laboratory specimen collection, hospital discharge follow-up, and minor medical procedures. Additionally, the Community Paramedics help run a medical clinic at the local day shelter three days a week for Rochester’s undomiciled population. The EMS fellow is welcome to be involved in the Community Paramedicine program.
Rochester Fire Department (RFD)
Rochester firefighters are nationally-registered Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and respond to more than 5,000 medical emergencies each year ranging from vehicle crashes and cardiac arrests to falls and other medical-related conditions. Every apparatus is equipped with an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), which has greatly improved the survival rate for victims of a witnessed cardiac arrest through early defibrillation efforts within the city of Rochester. The fellow can ride along with RFD, participate in operational trainings, and will attend monthly EMS group meetings with the medical director and a cadre of firefighters.
Surrounding EMS agencies
In addition to providing online and offline medical direction to Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service, the EMS fellow will interact with several surrounding non-hospital affiliated EMS agencies and will choose one agency to serve as assistant medical director during fellowship. Fellows will interact with these smaller agencies by providing on-scene mutual-aid in the physician response vehicle, medical direction, responding to care feedback/patient follow-up requests, and education of crew members by teaching skills or topics.
Southeastern Minnesota Emergency Medical Services (SEEMS)
The EMS fellow has the opportunity to work with Southeastern Minnesota Emergency Medical Services (SEEMS), which provides protocols and education to smaller rural EMS agencies.
The overall goal of the Southeastern Minnesota Regional EMS program is to ensure quality patient care is available throughout the eleven-county area by maximizing the response capabilities of emergency medical personnel and to promote public education on injury prevention and appropriate response during a medical emergency.