A modern and advanced Level I Trauma Center, the Department of Emergency Medicine is located at Mayo Clinic Hospital — Rochester, Saint Marys Campus. The department encompasses 75 patient care rooms, accommodates more than 80,000 annual patient visits, and is daily surge and disaster ready.
The vast majority of emergency department patients come from Olmsted County, Minnesota — for which Rochester is the county seat — and the six adjacent counties. Of the annual emergency department visits, 20% on average are pediatric patients. The level of activity is high, with approximately 12% of patients admitted to an intensive care unit.
The majority of emergency medicine resident time is spent at Mayo Clinic Hospital — Rochester, Saint Marys Campus, a 1,265-bed facility that is connected to the downtown Mayo Clinic campus by a convenient shuttle bus service. The pediatric hospital also is located on the Saint Marys campus.
Most patients seen in the emergency department are admitted to Mayo Clinic Hospital — Rochester, Saint Marys Campus, where the primary receiving services are located. There are a few exceptions, including the obstetrics and gynecology, hematology and oncology, and transplantation services, which are located in or adjacent to Mayo Clinic Hospital — Methodist Campus, part of the downtown Mayo Clinic campus.
Highlighted features of the facility include:
- A universal room construct
- Three dedicated adult resuscitation rooms capable of accommodating two patients simultaneously and one dedicated pediatric resuscitation room
- A specialized behavioral health area
- Rooms equipped with telemetry monitoring by telemetry personnel
- Rapid computer access
- In-department X-ray and laboratory services
- An internal results waiting area (sub-waiting area)
- Enhanced decontamination capability
- A staging area that allows for flexibility in patient evaluation and care
- Rooms equipped with low energy Bluetooth
Facilities gallery photo gallery
View a variety of photos of facilities in the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.