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Global Health Elective

Family physicians increasingly care for patients of different cultures where medical issues, expectations for care, and resources may be very different. We provide valuable global health information for all of our residents.

We also give our residents the opportunity to practice medicine internationally through our Global Health Elective.

  • Experience alternate health care delivery systems in a setting of limited resources and interventions.
  • Care for and prevent acute and chronic conditions unique to a particular culture and geographic region.
  • Understand how differences in community structure and resources affect health care delivery.

Go to Kenya, Liberia, Georgia, Haiti, Nicaragua, Honduras, Slovenia, or wherever you and your faculty decide the educational and cultural opportunities exist!

Program details

The global health elective is completed in a "block" of one to eight weeks.

Residents choosing this elective are required to participate in additional programming that will place an emphasis on international medicine. The program includes:

  • Lectures
  • Pre-trip planning and post-trip debriefing
  • Formal presentation
  • Trip reflection such as a blog or journal
  • Required readings