Research Training
The Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology is known internationally for the breadth and depth of its research activities, with expertise in practically every area of these fields.
Basic and translational sciences support is provided in physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, pharmacology, microbiology, genetics, immunology, cell biology, epidemiology, statistics, and other areas.
extramural funding (including NIH awards)
articles, editorials, and reviews published over the past 5 years (approximately)
Mayo-sponsored trips for scientific presentations per fellow (on average)
At Mayo Clinic, your research mentor closely supervises protocol development, the conduct of the study, data analysis, and final manuscript preparation. Our division's statistician is available to review methodology and statistical considerations. Critical peer and institutional reviews at each stage help ensure high quality. All Mayo fellows present their work at national and international meetings and publish numerous papers at high-impact journals (16-20 peer-reviewed manuscripts per fellow over the past three years).
The integration of basic and clinical research into practice is one of the division's strengths. Our research drives the practice and our fellows are at the forefront of these scientific discoveries.
Some major areas of research include:
- Investigator-initiated and NIH-and industry-sponsored phase 1-3 clinical trials
- Artificial intelligence and big data
- Outcomes and epidemiology research
- Product development and digital solutions
- Translational and basic sciences
- Health care delivery and disparities
- Quality improvement
- Microbiome
- Epigenetics
- Computational biology
The divisional research activities are coordinated through the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Research Committee, which meets once a month. Research findings are presented at a weekly research conference.
Protocols and mentors
We ensure our fellows have a close relationship with a faculty preceptor. The development of an acceptable research protocol is fundamental and, following a review of the proposal at different levels, the investigation is initiated.
Through the successful construction of a protocol and execution of a project, you:
- Clarify your objectives
- Develop a plausible hypothesis
- Understand experimental design
- Become familiar with the theoretical and practical aspects of the methodology you employ
- Accumulate and analyze data accurately and effectively
- Describe results, providing an abstract for presentation at a national or an international meeting
- Deliver a well-organized presentation, including the effective use of audiovisual techniques
- Publish the results of your work in reputable peer-reviewed scientific journals
In the first six months of the fellowship, you are presented with research packets prepared by our faculty which include their current and upcoming research projects, biosketch, and a list of prior mentees and outcomes. In the fall, a two-day research retreat and academic skills workshop takes place where third-year fellows present the outcomes of their research to the division and first-year fellows meet with their chosen mentors. The research committee reviews all research proposals and provides constructive feedback to fellows and their mentors.