The Mayo International Health Program supports Mayo Clinic residents and fellows performing clinical rotations in underserved communities throughout the world.
Selecting your host site is an important component of an enriching learning experience. Some locations provide specific specialty services and others provide more general-practice care.
You may apply for a rotation at a Mayo-designated site or an independent site. Designated sites are sites in which you can expect to have an exceptional educational experience. The sites have established on-site mentors, at least one choice of living facilities, expected clinical responsibilities, and extensive information about the area to be visited. Most of the designated sites have rotations available for an assortment of specialties.
Alternatively, you may choose to apply to a totally independent site. In the case of an independent site, you are responsible for identifying the site and an on-site mentor. You must convince the Mayo International Health Program selection committee that you will receive adequate supervision for all clinical activities.
The sites chosen must deliver care to underserved international populations, and there must be a clinical component, not solely observation. If selecting your own location at an independent site, it must be in a resource-limited setting and in a country classified as low-income or lower-middle income.
Appropriate countries can be identified on the World Bank website.