Clinical training
It is expected that each fellow participate in more than 200 surgical oncologic cases over the course of the Musculoskeletal Oncology Fellowship. The technical aspects of the program are surgically based and depend on the individual's surgical skills. It is anticipated that as you progress through the training program, your skills will improve. It is also anticipated that in most cases you are the primary surgeon with the consultant as your assistant, providing direction as needed.
Research training
During the one-year clinical fellowship, you will have ample time to be involved in clinical research projects with protected research time and are encouraged to complete a clinical research project during the course of the year.
Call frequency
Your call schedule varies by rotation. Mayo Clinic follows the schedule recommendations of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.
Teaching opportunities
In addition to increasing your own knowledge base, you're expected to participate in orthopedic resident and medical student education through tumor conferences. You are responsible for anatomic dissections on a quarterly basis to further resident education. In conjunction with an orthopedic consultant, an anatomic region is identified, and the surgical approaches, oncologic resections, and reconstructive options are demonstrated on a cadaver.
The evaluation procedures used in the fellowship include quarterly written evaluations prepared by each consultant. The evaluations are reviewed with you and then filed in your permanent file. At the end of each quarter, you're encouraged to submit a written evaluation of your experience with each consultant.