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Research Training

A broad range of research opportunities are available within the kidney and pancreas transplant program. One month during this fellowship is devoted to one or more research projects.

Potential research projects are discussed soon after beginning the fellowship to identify a mentor and area of interest prior to the research rotation. Research projects are facilitated by the availability of excellent database and data analysis support. 

The Renal Transplant Fellowship also actively supports the preparation of manuscripts for publication and travel to national and international meetings to present research data. In addition to the statistician support, there is a dedicated team available at Mayo to assist with manuscript editing, illustrations, graphics, formatting, and poster printing services. Additionally, support for curriculum vitae creation and maintenance is also available for fellows. 

Quality improvement

All fellows complete a quality improvement project. Most also complete Mayo Clinic Bronze Level Certification.

Academic Excellence Day

Mayo Clinic's campus in Phoenix, Arizona, has an Academic Excellence Day each year where you can present posters and oral presentations.