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Anesthesiology (Minnesota)


Students observe and participate in all aspects of anesthesia practice at Mayo Clinic's hospitals under the supervision of a consultant or resident in the Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine. Students learn basic techniques for airway management, vascular access, and the monitoring of anesthetized patients. They also are exposed to specific anesthetic procedures such as regional techniques (spinals, epidural, and axillary blocks), central venous and arterial access, and invasive monitoring.

Specific goals

  1. Observe and participate in all aspects of anesthesiology, including preoperative assessment, administration of anesthesia, intraoperative management, and postoperative care.
  2. Understand the basic principles of airway management, advantages and disadvantages of regional versus general anesthesia, intraoperative monitoring techniques, preoperative anesthetic concerns for surgical patients with coexisting diseases, risks of local anesthesia and sedation, contraindications for anesthetic techniques, and common complications of anesthesia management.
  3. Understand the basic pharmacological and physiological phenomena of the perioperative period.
  4. Develop an awareness of the breadth and depth of the practice of anesthesiology, including the perioperative management and critical care of patients after vascular, thoracic, neurosurgical, and orthopedic procedures. Appreciate the role of the anesthesiologist intensivist in the management of patients before and after solid organ (such as heart or lung) transplants.
  5. Understand the basic pharmacological and physiological actions of inotropic and vasodilatory drugs, appreciate the role and modes of mechanical ventilation, develop an understanding of the principles and techniques of resuscitation and perioperative critical care medicine.

Activity outline

Students rotate through different anesthetic subspecialties and work with both consultants and residents in anesthesia for the rotation. Students assist consultants in preoperative assessment, the administration of anesthesia, intraoperative management, and the postoperative care of surgical patients. They also attend daily teaching conferences and participate as appropriate.

A copy of Basics of Anesthesia Seventh Edition by Manuel C. Pardo, Jr. and Ronald D. Miller is given to each student.

Method of evaluation

Students receive a reading syllabus based on Basics of Anesthesia and are encouraged to become familiarized with the material. Additionally, evaluation of performance is based on the demonstration of familiarity with these reading assignments and clinical efforts by individual consultants. Although anesthesia encompasses many technical skills, the level of competence in these skills is of minor significance in student evaluations.

Per Mayo Clinic institutional policy, faculty and residents/fellows will not complete any outside evaluations. You will be provided with an electronic performance evaluation via Mayo Clinic’s MedHub portal. A final summative evaluation will be sent to you and your school official upon completion of your clerkship.

Exclusion Dates for Anesthesia
Month of June