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Dermatology (Minnesota)


The outpatient dermatology rotation is offered to help students acquire basic knowledge of dermatology. After completing the rotation, students will be able to determine a correct diagnosis and understand the management of basic dermatologic diseases. Staff consultants and senior resident associates serve as preceptors.

Specific goals

  1. Gather clinical information through a dermatologic history and physical examination
  2. Recognize primary and secondary skin lesions with ease, classify rashes and develop differential diagnoses
  3. Become familiar with dermatologic procedures, including potassium hydroxide examination, Wood's lamp examination and scabies preparation
  4. Observe various dermatologic procedures, including outpatient surgery, skin biopsies, patch testing, and wet dressings
  5. Observe dermatologic practice and nursing procedures in outpatient, inpatient and consultative services
  6. Develop an awareness of dermatologic literature, resources, nursing care, treatment modalities, dermatopathology and immunopathology
  7. Observe the diversity of dermatologic conditions
  8. Understand the importance of clinicopathological correlation of dermatologic diseases

Activity outline

During the dermatology elective, students are taught by consultants and residents, attend hospital rounds, observe dermatologic surgery, and do independent study assignments. They also observe outpatient and inpatient nursing procedures. In addition, conferences are held daily.

Method of evaluation

Comments are summarized, and a final grade is returned to students and their medical school or department.

Per Mayo Clinic institutional policy, faculty and residents/fellows will not complete any outside evaluations. You will be provided with an electronic performance evaluation via Mayo Clinic’s MedHub portal. A final summative evaluation will be sent to you and your school official upon completion of your clerkship.