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Internal Medicine, Hospital Inpatient (Minnesota)


Students participate in the provision of care of patients on the hospital medicine inpatient services at both Saint Marys and Methodist campuses of Mayo Clinic Hospital — Rochester. Students work directly with consultants and advanced practice providers, as a team, with an emphasis on multidisciplinary care of complex medical patients.


The primary objective is to educate students in the art and science of hospital medicine. Students are encouraged to embrace the highest levels of professionalism while, first and foremost, serving the needs of the patient. The importance of communication is stressed, as well as quality and safety. Students have the opportunity to act both as learners and as teachers on this rotation.

Specific goals

  1. Advance student skills in the evaluation and management of complex hospital patients
  2. Diagnose and initiate treatment of common inpatient medical issues
  3. Stress the importance and vitality of multidisciplinary teams, learning to work efficiently and collegially with allied health providers, nurses, pharmacists and social services
  4. Practice searching and applying the scientific literature to bedside care
  5. Provide opportunities for each student to present a short talk and begin a quality improvement project

Activity outline

Students become active members of the team. There is flexibility in scheduling blocks based on a student's area of interest. The goal is to practice patient-centered care. Stress is placed on crafting a high-quality history and physical examination. Then, based on their findings, research the literature as applicable to the case, and in concert with direct consultant input, develop a diagnostic/therapeutic plan that is evidence-based and patient-specific.

Students have the opportunity to follow their patients through the process of hospitalization and can observe the outcomes of tests and treatments to understand the impact and risks to their patients. In addition, there are many teaching sessions and didactic lectures each week, both within the Division of Hospital Medicine and the Department of Internal Medicine.

Method of evaluation

Students will be evaluated formally by their consultants, specifically on their knowledge, clinical skills, communication skills and professionalism. Feedback from the patients they have cared for and the allied health providers with whom they interact will be included in this evaluation.

Per Mayo Clinic institutional policy, faculty and residents/fellows will not complete any outside evaluations. You will be provided with an electronic performance evaluation via Mayo Clinic’s MedHub portal. A final summative evaluation will be sent to you and your school official upon completion of your clerkship.

Faculty coordinator

Neel B. Shah, M.B., B.Ch.