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Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Neuropathology (Minnesota)


This clerkship offers full participation in the activities of the Neuropathology section centered in the Hilton and Stabile Buildings at Mayo Clinic. The student will participate in the below activities over a 4-week period.

Specific goals

  1. To become familiar with the practice of neuropathology, autopsy and surgical.
  2. Learn how a neuropathologist works.
  3. Learn how findings in autopsy and surgical neuropathology can help discovery, research and promote patient care.
  4. Learn the gross and microscopic features of some common disorders.

Activity outline

This clerkship emphasizes active observation and hands-on participation in the following:

  • Review cases (gross and microscopic) with attending neuropathologist.
  • Attend brain cutting sessions, microscopic review sessions, tutorial sessions, and selected clinical and pathological conferences.
  • Participate in a research project with the goal of a presentation and/or publication expected.
  • Review study sets/interesting cases as time allows.

Method of evaluation

  • Consultant staff will complete performance evaluations according to current objective educational guidelines in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology.
  • The student will meet weekly with the designated sponsor to review the clerkship experience and learning progress.
  • Feedback and suggestions for improving the learning experience are encouraged.

Per Mayo Clinic institutional policy, faculty and residents/fellows will not complete any outside evaluations. You will be provided with an electronic performance evaluation via Mayo Clinic’s MedHub portal. A final summative evaluation will be sent to you and your school official upon completion of your clerkship.