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Neurosurgery (Arizona)


Students are actively involved in the neurosurgery service at Mayo Clinic Scottsdale. Duties include participating in hospital rounds with neurosurgeons, residents and paramedical staff; assisting with surgical procedures in the operating room; assisting with the evaluation of new patients in the emergency room and in the outpatient clinic; and assisting with the followup of returning patients in the outpatient setting. Opportunities are available for participation in brief, focused clinical research projects; however, this is not a requirement.

Specific goals

  1. Gain a better understanding of the neurological history and physical examination as it pertains to the neurosurgical patient.
  2. Understand what constitutes a neurosurgical emergency.
  3. Gain a basic understanding of the management of the following neurosurgical problems:
    • head injury, both minor and severe
    • spinal injury, with and without neurologic deficit
    • cervical and lumbar disc disease
    • carotid occlusive disease
    • aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
    • brain tumor
  4. Gain a better understanding of the different types of neuro-radiology imaging tests and how they are used in neurosurgical patients.

Activity outline

In the morning, students participate in rounds with the attending neurosurgeon, resident and paramedical staff. Students also participate in daily observation or assist with surgical procedures at the hospital. Afternoon activities include postoperative rounds at the hospital and/or outpatient clinic activities.

Students are expected to attend the daily neuroscience conference at Mayo Clinic Scottsdale

Students may elect to be on call one night out of four and be available to assist with the evaluation and/or surgical treatment of trauma cases or other acute neurosurgical emergencies at the hospital.

Method of evaluation

The consultants and residents evaluate students based on their daily performance and their understanding of the goals described above. No formal written or oral examinations are given; however, students are asked to summarize their experience for future medical student reference.

Per Mayo Clinic institutional policy, faculty and residents/fellows will not complete any outside evaluations. You will be provided with an electronic performance evaluation via Mayo Clinic’s MedHub portal. A final summative evaluation will be sent to you and your school official upon completion of your clerkship.