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Otorhinolaryngology (Florida)


Senior medical student clerks in otorhinolaryngology spend each week on a consultant's service assisting in the workup of patients in the clinic and attending surgery at Mayo Clinic hospital. On Monday mornings, they participate in the weekly otolaryngology conference. Presentations of library studies on diseases related to patients seen in the clinic are required.

Specific goals

  1. Learn the essentials of the otolaryngologic head and neck history and examination.
  2. Gain experience with applied surgical anatomy of the head and neck.
  3. Develop an approach to problem solving for patients with ear, nose and throat complaints.
  4. Gain insight into the scope and activity of the field of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery.

Activity outline

On surgery days, students attend rounds at Mayo Clinic hospital. Students also attend surgery where they participate as second assistants. They are required to attend the clinic to help work up new patients and observe others, and to present findings to the consultant in otolaryngology for review.

Method of evaluation

Members of the consulting staff grade students based on day-to-day performance and presentation.

Per Mayo Clinic institutional policy, faculty and residents/fellows will not complete any outside evaluations. You will be provided with an electronic performance evaluation via Mayo Clinic’s MedHub portal. A final summative evaluation will be sent to you and your school official upon completion of your clerkship.