Diagnostic radiology resident looks at scans with a faculty member at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona.

Graduate medical education in radiology at Mayo Clinic

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The four-year Diagnostic Radiology Residency at Mayo Clinic's campus in Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona, provides clinical training in a dynamic department where faculty members are passionate and recognized for teaching. As a resident, you learn radiology working side by side with outstanding clinicians, allied health staff, and management professionals.

In addition to Mayo Clinic's favorable faculty ratio and solid academic instruction, state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, and tremendous educational resources, many unique aspects of the program are designed to prepare you for a career in academic radiology or private practice.

Special features of the program include:

  • Hands-on ''business of radiology'' training achieved via the integration of each resident into an operational team focused on delivering high-quality subspecialized care with monitoring of financial and productivity metrics.
  • An emphasis on education that ensures that you have the finest teaching and the broadest patient care experience possible during your residency.
  • A specially designed curriculum and thorough conference schedule to ensure that you are amply prepared for board examinations.
  • Ample elective time is allowed in the fourth year of training to pursue specific clinical and research interests.
  • Up to two individuals in each class can opt to complete their interventional radiology training within Mayo Clinic's Arizona campus, since our program offers Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology (ESIR) during the R-4 year. The Interventional Radiology Independent Residency will prioritize internal candidates for advanced placement into the program, which enables interested individuals to receive additional certification in interventional radiology with just one extra year of training after finishing the Diagnostic Radiology Residency.

After successfully completing the program, you will have become a highly qualified radiologist ready for the demands of a subspecialty fellowship, private practice, or academic practice. In accordance with requirements submitted by the American Board of Radiology (ABR) for board eligibility, Mayo Clinic requires successful completion of a clinical year prior to commencing its four-year Diagnostic Radiology Residency. The program gives applicants full flexibility in choosing the location and focus of that clinical year.

Video: The Arizona Experience


Video: The Arizona Experience

Diagnostic Radiology residents working with a patient at Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona.

Your training experience

As a resident at Mayo Clinic, you'll have access to robust clinical, educational, and research resources. You'll find support both inside and outside of the campus to promote physical and mental wellness and ensure your work/life balance.

More about the curriculum

Michael Fox, M.D., M.B.A.

Director's welcome

Our favorable faculty-to-resident ratio allows for strong mentorship relationships to develop and continue beyond your training. Our goal is that you become a highly qualified radiologist ready for the joys that a career in radiology has to offer.

More from the program director


The program is accredited by the Residency Review Committee (RRC) for Diagnostic Radiology of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). This residency also has been designated by the RRC as qualified to offer Early Specialization in Interventional Radiology (ESIR) training.


You are required to pass your diagnostic radiology core exam in your third year of training. As a residency graduate, you are then eligible to take the diagnostic radiology certifying exam offered by the American Board of Radiology approximately 15 months after completion of your training.

Program history

Mayo Clinic's Department of Radiology in Arizona has extensive experience in radiology education, previously training nine radiology fellows a year in the Advanced Radiology Fellowship, which began in 2000. Development of the Diagnostic Radiology Residency, which began in 2014, was an initiative to allow for a more integrated training experience.

Residents at Mayo Clinic's campus in Arizona are not required to do fellowship training in the department, but the opportunity to integrate the residency and fellowship training years is available to those who are interested.

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Mayo Clinic campus in Phoenix, Arizona.
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Phoenix/Scottsdale, AZ

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