Responsibilities and Evaluation
Resident responsibilities
There are no private patients and no private attendings at Mayo Clinic. Hospitalized patients are assigned to an individual intern or resident physician who is responsible for that patient's care in the hospital and, when appropriate, for follow-up care in the resident's outpatient clinic.
While on a hospital team, you receive appropriate supervision and daily teaching from a single faculty member assigned to the team. The faculty member acts as both the attending physician of record and the teaching attending for the service. Selection of faculty for teaching assignments is merit-based, allowing the best faculty to rotate on each service.
Second- and third-year residents (varies by rotation) are responsible for teaching, leadership and supervision of intern teams. All residents receive formal instruction in these three key resident roles.
Performance in the six Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education competencies is monitored carefully throughout the Internal Medicine Residency to ensure that residents meet all training milestones.
Supervising faculty members and resident peers provide feedback and formally evaluate residents after each clinical rotation. Each resident has an electronic portfolio that can be freely accessed to review evaluations. This portfolio is also a repository for evidence of ongoing learning from presentations, projects and publications. In addition, residents regularly evaluate the faculty, each rotation and the program to ensure that the educational needs of the resident are being met.
Residents meet with their assigned associate program director throughout the year to review their clinical performance and discuss career progress. Associate program directors serve as longitudinal mentors to provide clinical guidance, advocacy, and to share professional development resources.