When selecting your career path in medical school, how did you come to decide on internal medicine?
I chose internal medicine for many reasons. It is a field that allows me to think critically about the big picture as it relates to my patients' health. Internal medicine connects medically complex issues and places them in the context of the patient's life. Additionally, internal medicine provides opportunities for continuity and the development of strong patient-physician relationships. Finally, the knowledge and skills acquired in internal medicine will prepare me well to be an advocate in public health.
What drew you to Mayo Clinic for your residency training?
I was drawn to Mayo Clinic by the incredibly supportive learning environment. In speaking with current residents, I had heard about the collegial atmosphere, in which everyone strives to learn and teach in order to best care for the needs of the patient. When I arrived, and as I began my training, I saw firsthand that this culture of growth is real. The opportunity to learn from such bright, patient, and compassionate doctors who are dedicated to effective teaching is something that I could not let pass.
What has been your partner’s experience finding a job in Rochester?
Choosing to come to Rochester, Minnesota, made my wife and me a bit nervous at first. The city truly has so much to offer, but we were unsure of how or where she would be able to find work. Within the first month of moving here, she was able to find two jobs that fit what she was looking for at this time. She had the support of Mayo's Accompanying Talent program that helped connect her with potential employers and formally prepared her for interviews. We also felt the support of the strong community that is Mayo Clinic. She had constant advice and encouragement from people within the Internal Medicine Residency, as well as those in the Mayo Families Connection Group. Transitions are never easy, but the formal resources offered by Mayo, along with the support of the community, have reinforced our decision to come to Rochester.
Is there anything that surprised you about Mayo Clinic?
I was surprised by the way the guiding principle of "the needs of the patient come first" is truly embedded in the DNA of the institution. Before coming here, I believed it to be a cliché marketing tool. However, in my short time here, I have already seen how it practically affects the work environment and the care we provide. I have seen countless examples of people putting their ego, insecurities, and busy schedules aside to make sure the needs of the patient are indeed the top priority. The collaboration and coordination between staff is aspirational.
Is there anything that surprised you about Rochester?
Rochester has surprised me by its great balance of comfort and fun. I have felt so at ease here. The natural landscape is refreshing, the proximity of everything decreases my stress, and the entertainment options provide an opportunity to unwind with friends and family. Working in medicine can be difficult at times, and the Rochester community has allowed me to remain grounded. I am so grateful for everything that Rochester has to offer.
What are your plans following residency/where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I plan to pursue a fellowship in Hematology/Oncology. As part of my career, I hope to focus primarily on clinical care, while also incorporating education of students and residents. At some point, I would also like to be active in the public health sphere, helping to inform and shape healthcare-related legislation.