Additional Experiences
Practice examinations and review
The American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA) In-Training Examination is administered yearly and is used to compare individual knowledge with that of other trainees nationwide. The in-training exam includes content pertinent to the Basic and Advanced ABA examinations.
The ABA requires structured oral and OSCE examinations after completion of the Advanced Examination. To prepare, practice oral examinations are conducted at least biannually during clinical training. Similarly, the department conducts formal OSCE practice sessions yearly. The department has many current and past ABA examiners on staff who help with these practice sessions.
Graduates of the residency program have the opportunity to return to Mayo Clinic prior to their actual ABA Oral Board Examination and OSCE to practice with Mayo Clinic ABA examiners. The experience and constructive feedback these examinations provide have led to a 100% pass rate for participating graduates.
Teaching opportunities
Residents have the opportunity to teach Mayo Clinic medical students, visiting students, surgery residents, pediatric and internal medicine residents, and other anesthesia residents through operating room instruction and formal didactic lectures. Anesthesiology residents teach in the simulation center and assist with airway and central line workshops throughout the institution.
Committee assignments
Residents have the opportunity to gain experience in a number of administrative roles during the training. These include participation in the department education, program evaluation, performance improvement, recruitment, diversity and inclusion, and wellness committees. Additionally, residents participate in several institutional committees, including the graduate medical education, quality and safety, and wellness committees.
Residents also regularly participate in national committee assignments, including the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), ASA House of Delegates, Minnesota Society of Anesthesiologists (MSA), Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation, American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine (ASRA), International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS), and the American Medical Association (AMA).
Educational resources
Mayo Clinic has an extensive library system with many e-books and electronic journals available. The department also has an extensive website with many helpful educational and clinical tools.
Residents receive an iPad when they start the program. As part of the new integration process for the Digital Apprentice, we source from multiple technology platforms to provide access to not only the core curriculum, but question databases through a department purchase TrueLearn subscription (online board preparation), and other clinical tools available through the Mayo intranet. Several useful anesthesia textbooks recommended by our core staff are also provided at the beginning of training for traditional study needs.