Contact and Verifications
Program-related questions
If you have a question about a specific program, contact that program's director or education coordinator. Visit the program's website to locate contact information. Find a program.
General questions about Mayo Clinic GME training programs can be emailed to
Verification requests
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science verifies information on residents and fellows, including:
- Post-graduate training forms / state medical licensure verification
- Certificate of Insurance (COI)
- Claims history
- Verification of training letter
- Employer post-graduate training forms
Requests can take up to three weeks to process. Please refrain from submitting additional requests or emails for updates as this can delay our work.
Complete this GME Verification Request Form.
Note: This form works best in Chrome. If you experience difficulties with loading the form, ensure you're using Chrome, clear your browser history, and refresh the page. If this doesn't work, try loading the page on a personal device or check with your organization's IT department.
Certificate of insurance for off-campus rotation (current trainees only)
Certificates of insurance for current residents/fellows completing an away (non-Mayo) rotation should be requested directly from Education Businesses Services by sending an email to
Trainee stipend verification
Email your request to We can only verify stipends for new, incoming residents and fellows.